Chapter 3: Junior Team World Cup

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A/N: Yo everyone! sorry for the very long wait but here it is as promised :) enjoy reading and don't forget to tell me what you think!

disclaimer: I do not own prince of tennis.

Chapter 3: Junior Team World Cup

"Junior team world cup?" My father asked me and I nodded my head at him.

"I've never heard of it...have you?" I told him as I handed him the letter.

"Not exactly, I've recently heard that there's a collaboration between the men and women's tennis association but I thought it was for pros." He said as he scanned the letter, grinning at me seconds later.

"So my daughter is being recruited by Team America cheeky of them." He said. I rolled my eyes at him and snatched the letter back to read it again but my cellphone suddenly rang, preventing me from doing so.

"Hello?" I asked, not looking at the caller id.

"Hey Rima!, it's me. Did you get it yet?" A familiar voice said rather excitedly.

"Ryouta?" I asked unsure then checked the caller id. I sighed, it's him all right.

"The one and only. So did you get the letter yet?" He asked again.

"You mean the invitation?" I asked , unsure of what he's talking about.

"Yeah that's the one! So, are you accepting? You're accepting right? We can finally play together again! Oh man, I can't wait. I almost went to Japan when I heard the news that you've been discharged from Germany and is now living with your parents in Japan but then the selections came up...Oh! And I've even forgot to call until now....Uh, yeah anyway... I want to say Congratulations on getting well! I'm sorry I'm rambling again aren't I?,., I'm just excited. I mean I haven't..." he started rambling on and on so I hung up on him.

''Who was that?'' dad asked but before i could answer, my phone rang again. I carefully picked up and placed the phone a few inches away from my ear.

''Rima! did yo--'' Ryouta shouted. I sighed and hung up on him again.

''I think i have an idea who it is.'' dad said with an amused expression as i continued to drop incoming phone calls from Ryouta.

''Yeah. It's definitely him. You can just turn your cell off if you're not gonna answer anyway. . .'' he said.

''Oh. Right.'' i realized, then did as my dad suggested.

''I'll just call him later when i'm sure my earbuds are safe. I'm going to my room now.'' i said heading for the stairs.

''Rima.'' my dad called, making me turn my head in acknowledgement.

''Will you accept?'' he asked seriously which made me freeze for a second then smile bitterly the next.

''I'm not the Rima Echizen that team America wants. I will never be the same as i was.'' i told him and went to my room.

After locking the door and switching off the light, i laid on my bed with my right arm over my eyes. I pulled out my phone a moment later, switched it on again and dialed Ryouta's number, ignoring the number or missed calls from him. It took just one ring for him to pick up but he didn't ramble like earlier, didn't even vent out his anger earlier when i hung up on him and dropped his calls. Yes, he can be annoying and loud, but even so, he's still my friend so he knows me well.

''Ryouta. . .I'' i started, listening to his suddenly ragged breathing. He must've felt that somethings wrong.

''will not be accepting.'' i finished then hung up immediatedly, switching my phone off again.

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