Chapter 16

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"Jae, all good?" Tae called out as he and Kook saw Hobi come down the stairs.

"She is. All nested in. I texted Pak to let him know she's upstairs with only a minimal fight." He hopped over the couch and joined them, getting comfortable. " I had to swear on my life the sheets were clean."

Kook laughed, "Yeah, I'm sure that's actually a valid concern. Did Pak say anything?"

"He said thanks again, and everything there seems to be going well. I'm sure this will be the last time Jae stays behind. I don't think he's going to let that happen twice." The guys settled in to finish the movie as Jae lay upstairs, trying to turn off her brain.

She thought back over the morning and what had happened. She didn't anticipate freaking out in front of the guys. It wasn't anything she thought bothered her. But apparently, it was there, lurking in the depths of her brain. She rolled over to her side and snuggled tight, forcing herself to think about work. There were so many irons in the fire with no resolution. She wanted to help Ami figure out how a tour would work with her complex personal schedule. Even if it wasn't wedding season, the guys were adamant about not letting her go without them. That alone held its own set of issues. It didn't take long before she finally gave up and gave into sleep, drifting off into a deep slumber.


After a restful morning and relaxing lunch, Ami and Yoongi heard the walkie-spring to life. "Are you guys ready?" Pak's voice floated through the rooms.

"Ready for what?" Ami watched Yoon as he walked over, not saying anything to her but only smiling. He picked up the walkie and replied, "We're ready." He set it down and picked up her hat and jacket.

"We, my love, are taking a little day trip. I thought we should see a little of the countryside while we are here." He helped her put on her warm coat, zipping it to her chin. "Also, it will help keep me from ravaging you all day. It's really for your safety." She grinned as he pushed her hat down on her head, then pulled her face to him by the ear flaps so he could kiss her.

"Is it just us, or are the guys coming?" she watched him put on his jacket and matching hat. "Oh my god, look how cute you are!!" she giggled as he took her hand and walked her to the front door.

"They're coming too. I thought it would be fun for everyone. How often do we come to Iceland?" He pulled her closer, pressing his lips on hers and holding her until they heard a familiar sound crest over the ridge.

"What the hell?" Ami pulled back in surprise. He held the door open as she walked out to see a helicopter starting to land. "You boys love your helicopters, " she grinned as Yoongi shrugged. "It's the safest way to get you around and see the countryside. Come on, baby."

They walked down the drive, hand in hand, as it landed on the open tundra. The door opened, and Pak and Choi hopped out, ducking and walking to meet them. "Hi!" She beamed and yelled over the noise. Pak took her from Yoongi so he could escort her safely. Choi did the same, walking with Yoongi.

"Ready for some fun?" Pak yelled back at her. She nodded as Quon reached out and helped Ami up, with Yoongi, Pak, and Choi following. They all got settled, strapping in and putting headphones on before taking off.

"Hey, guys. How's your house?" She turned around and smiled at Choi and Quon behind her.

"Good! Cozy!" Quon gave her a thumbs-up as Yoon reached over and kissed her hand. "Ready?"

"Yeah," She sighed, happy and content.

Pak was sitting in the front seat with the pilot, and he gave the nod. They heard her squeal as the helicopter took off into the air. She squeezed Yoongi's hand as they flew low and fast over the countryside.

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