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Warnings: swearing, bleeding, (slight) self-deprivation thoughts (idk if I spelt that right), cringe(?)


Nagito and Hajime came back from the store, which they went to to buy groceries. They were married for a year now, and there was no sign of the end. They were walking to their car to head home, when Nagito saw one of those horse-things that you have to insert a coin to make it go back and forth. Nagito, because of his parents dying so early and him being so busy a lot, was never able to go on one. So he wanted to try it.

"Heyyyy, Hajime??" He started, looking at the horse still. "Can I request something?"

Hajime looked over at him, his eyes following his gaze curiously to the horse. Although being married, Hajime knew little to nothing about Nagito's thought process. "What's up?"

"Ah, well, it's stupid, but..." Nagito let his voice trail off as he fights with the strings of his hoodie, causing Hajime to get irritated.

"Nagito, speak."

"Am I allowed to borrow a coin?"

Hajime put two and two together and shook his head slightly. "Nagito, you're a grown ass man. You're not riding that horse."

Nagito pouted slightly. "Pleeaaaaaasssssseeeeeeee, Haaaaaaajimeee???"

Hajime sighed, grabbing Nagito's wrist and dragging him along. "No means no, Nagito." (They are on first name bases, duh) Nagito teared up.

"PuhLEEEAAASEEE????" He begged louder, a temper tantrum brewing...

"Nagito, don't start." Hajime frowned, still dragging him. Nagito went limp (on purpose), pointing at the horse with crying like an annoying kid. Hajime sighed as he was forced to drag him.

"PLEEEAAASSSEEEE??????????????" Nagito squeaked. Hajime furrowed his eyebrows before shaking his head quickly.

"FINE, fine, here!" He pulls out a quarter and hands it to him, annoyed. Nagito instantly stopped crying, happily taking the silver coin and running off to the horse, Hajime following like an annoyed parent following a trouble-causing kid. Nagito quickly starting the ride and bounced back and forth.

"Weeeeeeeeees!!!" He cheered, causing Hajime to smile a bit. Despite Nagito being INCREDIBLY annoying to him, Nagito was still his husband, and the one he loved greatly. He secretly snapped a picture of the cute sight, leaning on a wall next to the toy. After around 10 minutes, the ride stopped, and Nagito hopped off the thing, now happy that he got to ride it.

Hajime and Nagito eventually made it to the car, both sitting in it and buckling the seatbelt that protects them (please start wearing seatbelts 😭😭). Hajime, because Nagito cannot drive because if he did, everyone on the streets will be endangered, started the car. He pulled out the parking spot he was in and started driving home. Nagito laid a hand on Hajime's thigh, a thing he did everytime in a car ride with Hajime. Hajime smiles, laying a hand on his with the other hand still driving the car.

The car was silent, but comfortable. Nagito smiled and blushed slightly as he looks out the window, and Hajime smiled as well was he continues to drive. After a little bit, they make it home, and Hajime felt a random wave of drowsiness as he stands up from the car. Nagito didn't noticed, and happily hopped out the car. Hajime went inside and flipped onto the couch, almost instantly falling asleep. Nagito follows him, noticing him sleeping, and felt guilty.

"Hajime got so tired because of me... One day with me and he's sleeping as soon as he got inside... It's my fault, isn't it? I'm the one who bored him, I'm the one who was with him the whole time, and I was the one who was so bratty... All my fault... Dammit..." He thought to himself before wrapping a blanket around him, pecking his forehead and walking off to put the groceries away.

At the last bag, Nagito accidentally dropped it. "Ah, oops." He mumbled, bending over to pick it up. As he was vulnerable, a wild, big, coyote suddenly, and quickly, ran up to him, causing him to whip his head around, but Nagito was too late to react. The coyote pounced on him, scratching his torso deeply, and he was slammed into a tree, passing out on impact as he bled.

After a minute, he opened his eyes to seeing a blurry swarm of white, gray, pink, brown, and black. His ears rang loudly, but he could hear loud but muffled barks, growls, yelps, and wincing, before blacking out again, the familiar irony taste filling his mouth as it drips to his shirt and hoodie.


Who here LOVES cliffhangers?? Well, I love leaving off my stories with them. I'm sorry if you didn't like this, I haven't made a fanfic in God knows how long 😭😭. Let me know if you want another chapter of this! Or if you're not interested. Or if you have ideas. Just please, PLEASE don't ask for NSFW fanfics, I get kinda uncomfortable with them. Anyway, love you pookies!!

Word count: 826

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