Chapter 2: Shadows of the past

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The dawn came slowly, painting the horizon with soft hues of pink and gold. Amelia watched from her bedroom window as the estate grounds gradually emerged from the shadows of night, bathed in the gentle light of the rising sun. The garden, which had been her refuge just hours before, now looked serene and untouched, as if the events of the previous evening had never happened.

She had hardly slept, her mind too restless with thoughts of Vincent’s words and the possibility of a different future. The idea of leaving the life she had always known felt both thrilling and overwhelming. Could she really do it? Could she break free from the chains of expectation and find her own path?

A soft knock on the door pulled her from her thoughts.

“Come in,” she called, her voice still heavy with the remnants of sleep.

The door opened slowly, and Isabelle stepped inside, her golden hair cascading over her shoulders like a waterfall of sunlight. She was dressed in a simple morning gown, the fabric flowing gracefully as she moved.

“Good morning, Amelia,” Isabelle greeted her with a warm smile. “I thought I’d find you awake.”

Amelia smiled back, though it didn’t quite reach her eyes. “I couldn’t sleep.”

Isabelle’s expression softened with understanding as she crossed the room to sit beside her sister. “I know the feeling. These gatherings always leave me feeling drained.”

Amelia studied Isabelle’s face, searching for the cracks she knew were there. She could see the faint shadows under her sister’s eyes, the way her smile seemed just a little too practiced. Isabelle had always been the strong one, the one who carried the weight of their mother’s expectations with grace. But Amelia knew that even Isabelle had her limits.

“Isabelle,” Amelia began hesitantly, “do you ever think about leaving? About finding a life that’s… different from this?”

Isabelle looked at her sister, surprise flickering in her blue eyes. She hesitated, as if weighing her words carefully before speaking. “Sometimes,” she admitted softly. “But it’s more of a fleeting dream than anything else. Our lives are so intertwined with the family’s legacy that it’s hard to imagine anything different.”

Amelia nodded, feeling a pang of sadness at Isabelle’s resignation. She had always admired her sister’s strength, but now she saw the cost of that strength—a life lived for others, with little room for personal happiness.

“Last night,” Amelia continued, her voice barely above a whisper, “Vincent said something that made me think… maybe there’s more out there for us. Maybe we don’t have to be what everyone expects.”

Isabelle’s eyes softened with a mixture of affection and concern. “Vincent has always been a dreamer,” she said gently. “But this world we live in… it’s not so easy to escape from.”

“I know,” Amelia replied, her voice tinged with frustration. “But what if we could? What if we found a way to live for ourselves, instead of for Mother or the family name?”

Isabelle sighed, looking out the window at the sunlit garden below. “I’ve thought about it,” she confessed. “But every time, I remember what we’d be giving up. The security, the reputation, the connections… It’s a lot to walk away from.”

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