Chapter 3: The breaking dawn

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The night air was cool against Amelia's skin as she stepped outside, her breath visible in the faint moonlight. The estate, usually so bustling with life, was eerily silent, as if the world itself was holding its breath for what was to come. She clutched a small bag close to her chest, her heart pounding with a mix of fear and exhilaration.

Isabelle had helped her pack quietly, her own resolve as strong as her sister's. The sisters had shared a tearful embrace, their bond strengthened by the difficult decision Amelia had made. Isabelle had promised to cover for her, to delay their parents' inevitable discovery for as long as possible. It was a small act of defiance, but one that carried the weight of a lifetime of unspoken dreams.

Amelia moved through the garden, her feet barely making a sound on the gravel path. The towering hedges and flowering vines that had once been a refuge now felt like barriers closing in around her. But she kept moving, driven by a newfound determination that surged with every step.

At the edge of the garden, just beyond the reach of the estate's lights, Vincent waited. He was leaning against the trunk of an old oak tree, his silhouette outlined by the faint glow of the moon. When he saw her approach, he straightened, a look of concern mingled with relief on his face.

"You came," he said softly, his voice carrying a mixture of disbelief and hope.

Amelia nodded, her eyes meeting his. "I couldn't stay. Not anymore."

Vincent stepped forward, taking her bag from her and slinging it over his shoulder. "Are you sure about this? There's no going back once you leave."

Amelia took a deep breath, feeling the cool night air fill her lungs. The fear that had gripped her earlier was still there, but it was tempered by a sense of clarity. For the first time in her life, she was making a choice for herself, not for her family, not for appearances. "I'm sure," she said firmly. "I don't know what the future holds, but I know I can't live the life they want for me. I need to find my own path."

Vincent's eyes softened, his expression filled with admiration. "Then let's go. I have a carriage waiting at the edge of the estate. We'll be far away from here before anyone even realizes you're gone."

They began to walk, the estate slowly disappearing behind them. The trees grew denser as they neared the edge of the property, the shadows deepening into a velvety blackness. But Amelia didn't look back. Every step she took felt like shedding a layer of the person she had been forced to become, leaving behind the expectations and burdens that had weighed her down for so long.

When they reached the carriage, Vincent helped her inside, his movements careful and deliberate, as if he was afraid she might change her mind. But Amelia's resolve was unshakable. She knew this was the right choice, even if it terrified her.

As the carriage started to move, the gentle rocking soothed her nerves. She looked out the window, the landscape passing by in a blur of dark shapes and moonlit fields. The world beyond the estate was unknown, full of uncertainty, but it was also full of possibility.

Vincent sat beside her, his presence a comforting reminder that she wasn't alone. They didn't speak, the silence between them filled with unspoken understanding. They both knew that this was the beginning of something new, something that neither of them could predict.

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