Chapter 38: Shadows of the Shadow Guild - Part 3

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The duel with Valen had only just concluded when the academy was thrust into chaos. The Shadow Guild, aware of the academy's growing strength and Kai's potential, launched a surprise attack, seeking to capture or eliminate key figures. The assault was swift and brutal, catching many off guard.

Kai, Valen, Elara, and Raylan found themselves in the midst of the battle, fighting alongside their fellow students to defend the academy. The attackers were skilled and ruthless, using forbidden techniques that had been thought lost to history. It quickly became clear that the Shadow Guild's goal was to sow chaos and weaken the academy's defenses from within.

As the battle raged, Kai and his friends were separated, each facing their own challenges. Kai encountered a powerful Guild member who wielded dark magic, forcing him to push his abilities to the limit. Meanwhile, Elara, struggling to control her new powers, found herself confronted by a Guild assassin who seemed to know more about her abilities than she did.

Valen, who had been tracking the movements of the Guild, realized that the attack was a diversion. The real target was deeper within the academy, where the Celestial Blade and other ancient artifacts were kept. Racing against time, Valen made his way to the hidden chamber, where he found several Guild members attempting to break the seals protecting the artifacts.

Kai, sensing the danger, used the Phantom Step to reach the chamber just in time to see Valen engage the intruders. The two warriors fought side by side, their rivalry forgotten in the face of a greater threat. Together, they managed to drive off the attackers, but not before one of them unleashed a curse that sealed the chamber, trapping them inside.

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