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It was a new day and, Carly was up bright and, early waiting for Freddie and, Millicent to awake. Millicent comes down the stairs all freshened up.

Finally, it's the weekend Millicent says cheerfully.

Good morning, I hope you slept well Carly replied.

I did for the most part, I still can't believe you two Millicent mocked as she crossed her arms.

Carly laughed as she closed her laptop. I'm going to check on you're dad then I'll get breakfast ready he was pretty tired last night Carly said as she got up.

Can, I make my own breakfast Millicent asked?

Sure, why not just don't burn the house down Carly joked. As she walked towards the bedroom. As she walked to the bedroom she noticed Freddie was still asleep so she went into check on him.

Hey, sleeping beauty it's almost 10:00AM it's time to wake up Carly says softly as she felt his forehead checking to see if he was possibly sick. Freddie opened his eyes at the sound of Carly's sweet songbird voice and, smiled at her.

Good morning, Freddie said as he smiled at Carly.

Hey, good morning I was just checking to make sure you weren't coming down with a fever Carly said.

I'm fine, actually I feel pretty good this morning Freddie replied.

Well, that's great because I have a surprise for you Carly announces.

What's the surprise Freddie asked as he sat up.

I bought us two tickets to Paris France; I thought you could use a break Carly suggested.

Freddie chuckled out shock and, gratitude. Wow that's very generous of you Carly Freddie replied in disbelief.

Did I overstep Carly asked nervously?

No, I appreciate your kind gesture Paris sounds fun Freddie said as he kissed Carly on the lips.

Oh, you are talking about France right not Texas right Freddie clarified.
Yes, I'm talking about France Carly laughed.

Yes, Freddie cheered as he clapped.

I also, really just want us to spend some quality time together while were in Paris Carly said.

While were there we can make all of the sweet passionate love we want to Freddie replied seductively as he leaned towards Carly.

You are definitely in a fantastic mood Carly joked. Anway Millicent wanted to make herself breakfast so I should check on her.

Sound's good I'll get dressed and, be out soon Freddie said.

The moment Carly left the room she heard Freddie squealing with joy. She laughed and, shook her head as she walked towards the kitchen.

Meanwhile Millicent was cooking an omelet for herself she turns to look at Carly. What's he all excited about Millicent asked?

Your dad and, I are going to Paris for a few days Carly announced.

Wait and, I don't get to go Millicent asked?

Your father needs a break and, I want it just the be the two of us Carly said.

Fine, I'll just see if I can hang with Olive for a few days Millicent said as she pulled her cheese Omelet off the stove and, onto her plate.

Look at you, you made that omelet all by yourself I didn't know you knew how to cook Carly said.

It was easy, I've been binging Gordon Ramey, I like his vibe Millicent said as she showed off her perfect omelet.

Carly laughed then made her way to the fridge to grab some cereal. She didn't want to do a big breakfast. She just wanted something sweet and, simple.  

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