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Barriss POV

Anakin laid motionless on my bed, close to the edge. His shirtless torso rose and sank with each breath. The tunic was stained. He seemed so peaceful and carefree. With me here, he can be. I will not let anyone harm him anymore. No more. Especially that witch. Demon.

My fingers traced the outline of his toned abdomen causing him to stir. Ticklish? I rested my hand on his stomach moving up to his chest, using the Force to soothe whatever negativity he may have welled inside his body. "You're safe my love." I hummed. I didn't even feel surprised I let that out, like a breath being expelled. So simple.

This has been a wonderful experience. I hated this man. Tolerated this man. Admired this man. And now, I love him. I love his courage, understanding, intelligence, and will power. All these things I feel through the Force. It showed me Anakin. And now I will show him Barriss. Me.

Suddenly he awoke.

His eyes shot open, staring at the ceiling. I stood to my feet before caressing his loose locks. "Hey." He groaned softly. That throat of his had serious damage. It's a wonder he could speak. "Hi." I greeted him with a smile.

"I'm sorry about this. Were you asleep?" He asked. I motioned to my attire, a silk nightgown which I had grown fond of. He hasn't seen this before. I could feel his judging gaze ransack my exposed figure. A flame lit in his eyes. "What if it wasn't me?" He queried with narrowed eyebrows. "Remember, I always wear a cloak. And you're the only one with unrequited access." I reasoned. He hummed in understanding. "Don't worry Anakin," I regained his attachment. "This is for your eyes only."

He averted his eyes. Am I repulsive? Am I coming off too strong. Maybe I shouldn't... No. He hears this tonight.

"Anakin." I called softly. Holding his mechanical arm with two of mine. "Barriss?"

I felt my face shift and contort, writhe in discomfort. "Master... I..." I couldn't say it. Even staring into his deep blue eyes, his own face was fixed in confusion.

Feel my words.

I beseeched the Force, took down my walls of mental fortitude and let every thought, emotion and intention flood the room. His eyes widened, he was very much unprepared.

You are the fuel that powers my heart, the knowledge that stimulates my mind, the gentle water that cleanses my body. Ask me to die in your service and I wouldn't question it. My heart is yours. From now until the stars are extinguished.

I closed my eyes, allowing more and more raw unprocessed emotion to fill in the empty space of my words. I didn't want to see his reaction. He'll reject me. And I, I will still serve.

Frankly I was expecting a tongue lashing or a wordless reply of rejection. However, I was graced with a warm marking of my forehead and a firm grip of my chin. "Look at me." He ordered. I obeyed. His eyes were relaxed, the corners of his mouth tugged up every now and again.

He now has a pleading expression. The fire in his eyes burned brightly. I surrenderded to whatever spell he has put me under and out lips crashed into one another like two star ships on the same hyperlane. He was gentle, slow and labored. Every kiss was sweet and tender, he took his time but I could feel his hunger. Not for my body, but for the reassurance that he has found the true love he has been searching for in Padme Amidala.

We pulled apart, both now panting, desperate for air. "This is wrong on so many levels." He chuckled, throwing his head back and covering it with his hand as I climbed on top of him. Straddling his waist I smirked. "Oh? Then report me." I teased, playing with his pants buckle. He quickly shrunk away, I almost fell off but managed to stay on top. "No. Not that. Not yet." He begged with a pained expression.

Padme's scars ran deep, so deep his mind deprives his body of natural inclinations. I understand. "Okay. I understand." I noted, ruffling my hand through his locks. "I'm sorry..." He apologized guiltly.

"No. I'm sorry. I'm sorry for everything that happened to you. And for what I'm going to do to that schutta." I grimaced, leaning over and resting on top of him, still straddling his waist. His strong arms wrapped around me, no escape route. I had no plans of escape anyways. "Do not harm her. She's still a Republic Senator." He reminded. That's right. She's a politician.

What do you do when you can't kill them.

"Well, it's a good thing I've been... collecting evidence."

The next day

Padme POV

Anakin hasn't returned as yet. The poor baby. I pushed him too hard again and he got scared. It's fine I'll just apologize and this all goes away.

I skimmed some data pads, different reports on about my constituency and possible leads to some investigations I've been getting into. I need a drink or something. No it's too early, 12:04.

Before I could finish reading a particularly interesting report, I heard doorbell ring it's sweet tune. It had to be Ani, I have no appointments. Like lightning I dashed for the door and opened it without even checking the camera. The solid door opened swiftly, revealing a green skinned Mirilian. Barriss. "Senator. I have urgent news to discuss." She revealed, her head tilted upwards as if to intimidate me. "Come in." I said through clenched teeth. How dare she disturb me with such audacity.

I showed her to my kitchen, feigning kindness and hospitality as I poured her some water. She accepted it but did not drink. "I'll be quick because I have a few things to do back at the temple." She sighed, looking rather bored as she sat on one of my stools. Her eyes never broke contact with mine as I leaned against my counter. "Speak."

"You're husband wants a divorce." She exposed. Her hands folded under her head giving it support. My heart skipped a beat, so many alarms went off, blaring in my cranium. "I'm single, Barriss." I lied with a chuckle, hiding my anxiety. "Exactly. You're single. Anakin has left you." Spat the Jedi. Anakin must've told her. He betrayed me... How much does she know. "Anakin and I are good friends, that's all." Continuing to spin my default narrative.

"Oh don't give me that bullshit." She cursed softly. Barriss produced a document and left it on the island counter that separated us. "You will sign this. You will leave Anakin alone. You will move on." She ordered with a calm voice. Too calm. "And what if I don't?" I challenged. A nasty smirk graced her face. "Well, it'd be a shame if the Senate found out the money laundering on Naboo."

How does she know. Not even Anakin knew of that. "You have no right! Those credits fund the Republic!" I shouted, standing upright and pointing at her. She chuckled sickly, "So you're happy the Republic is funded by slavery and crime?" She further interrogated. "I'm reallocating funds, helping refugees and war expenses with those credits. You wouldn't dare." I bluffed. If this were to get out I'd be ruined.

"Try me."

I sighed in defeat, reaching for the document she carried. Marriage annulment. The details specify it'd be as if it never happened. I couldn't claim him as my husband and it was worded to offer the benefits of a restraining order. Unless for official purposes I am not to seek him out. Sneaky girl. "Why go to such lengths?" I queried, curious as to her reasoning as I prepared to sign.

"Because he asked me to."

Words 1312

Posted 27/9/2024

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