One year later

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'No POV.'

The sun has just came out just over the houses of Ponyville.

Since the show the girls have been working hard to get the wedding. And after a year of working hard and waiting long the day has come. In a small house in Ponyville, the two has started a life. Applejack still works on the farm helping big-mac with the hard work. Rainbow on the other hand has two jobs to pay for the house her and Applejack shared.

She still has the weather pony job but she is now a entertainer. She dose mostly stunts for Foals parties. She even helps pinkie pie planning some of the parties.

At the moment Rainbow just walked threw the door and was welcomed by her marefriend with dinner on the table.

"Hey there Sugar. How was work." Applejack asked her smile warm as she kissed her Rainbow haired marefriend on the cheek. Ask Rainbow walked over to the kitchen and helped Aj finish putting everything out.

"Everything was good. I had to clear the sky's and then had three parties with only a hour rest. But its going to be worth it once your mine tomorrow." Rainbow said placing a bowl of baked grass on the table.

" Yep. I'm so happy that we are finally going to be married." Applejack said putting daisy on the table.

" Yea. Ha- Its like yesterday we were in the castle trying to figure out who the most daring pony is, even tho We ALL know I would win." Rainbow said jokingly.

"Ha- True um hey we need to talk." Aj said suddenly.

"Wait What. Are wedding is tomorrow and you want to  Brake up?" Rainbow asked her eyes having yet to cry. She loved Aj and her dropping that made her chest tighten.

"WHAT! Never! I was just thinking. um What is going to happen when we want kids. You know us being both mares. Ya we can do it. BUT we can have kids." Rainbow felt happy She want going to break up with her. but she had no real answer to the question. But then she go an idea.

" Um. what do you think about adaption? Cuz I did a party there a week ago and found a cute kid we could adapt." Rainbow said taking a seat at the table across from Aj. " She's my Bigest fan!" Rainbow particle squeezed.

"Wait. Scootaloo? She's a orphan?" Aj asked a bit surprised." Well of Couse we can get her. ifs only 6:00! How about we go now? she can be your bride maid!" Applejack said Happily.

"OK the guest room is clean right? Oh and add the extra chair she can come and eat with us." Rainbow said walking to the phone." I'm  going to call ahead to get her out of there." Rainbow said as Aj got the extra chair and ran upstairs to make sure Scootaloos new room was ready. Aj down in the basement and got some posters and stuff animals to make the room a bit more roomy.

"Ok everything is set." Aj said walking down the stairs.

"They just need are names on the paper and we are set. She has no idea." Rainbow beamed.

"Hey can we run by the hone store and get stuff for Scootaloo. Her room is kind of bare." Aj said walking to the door past Rainbow as she shut and locked the door.

"YA of course! Mom..." Rainbow said happier than ever.then Aj stoped and looked at Rainbow dash with wide eye.

"So are you a sister to Scootaloo or a mom?" Applejack asked a bit confused.

" I want to be her mother. Not her sister." Rainbow said walking next the Applejack. "Now lets go get Our daughter." Rainbow said as they walked to the orphanage. They walked in and signed the papers smiling the whole time.

"Ok Just let Scootaloo get her things and you and be on your way." The stallion said smiling happly. his dark blue hair going pass his ears and his coat being a light orange.

"Oh can you make sure she doesn't know its us?" Applejack asked her smile bright.

"Why yes of course." He said walking in the back room and the girls walk to a small bench.

"How you feeling mom?' Applejack asked smiling warmly still. Rainbow was not smiling. She had a straight look on her face.

"Freaked. I just-Uh I don't want to be like my parents." Rainbow admitted softly.

"Rainbow you are a great mare and you will be a great mom. and if you slip up I will kick you butt back in place." Aj said kissing Rainbow on the lips softly. At that moment the doors opened to a confused Scootaloo. She only had a sattale bag full of school books he helment and a stuffanamal of Rainbow dash. Her scooter was out side.

" Here's your new Parents." The Blue hair stallion said pointing to Applejack and Rainbow dash.

The look on Scootaloos face was priceless. Mixed with confusion with happiness.

"W-what?" The small Pegasus asked her eyes wide opened.

"Scootaloo I'm going to be your Mommy and so is Applejack." Rainbow said in fount of Scootlaoo.

"Hey. I'm your new mom." Applejack said on her knees.

"Mom? Mommy?" Scootloo asked still a bit confused. Tears in her eyes.

"Yea. I'm your mother." Rainbow dash said crying a bit."I'm Your Mother."Rainbow opened her fore arms for a hug. Scootaloo was still abit shocked and walked slowly to rainbow dash.

"Your my Mom." Scootaloo said now running at Rainbow dash. " I HAVE A MOM!" Scootloo as now sobbing holding on to Rainbow dash like he life dependent on it. Rainbow seemed a bit surprise but hugged her back tightly. Applejack joined in after a minute or two.

" Ok lets go get you somethings you need and head home." Rainbow said wiping the tears away from her daughter.

"Ok, Mommy."


Hey guys hoped you liked it. I wrote this in a hour so if its not good sorry. this is also the first time I have ever wrote on a laptop. SOOO ya! BYEEEEEEEE

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