What now?

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Once Rainbow dash hear the words 'Rainbow I like you.' Rainbow dash had the biggest blush she ever had. Applejack liked her. Rainbow had so many thought going though her head she looked at Applejack and smiled.

In that moment Rainbow dash looked up and said,"you like me but why I'm mean rude and. " Applejack interrupted, " your kind, loyal and loving."

Rainbow look at the ground once again and said with a blush, "really but how?"

"Fluttershy." applejack said with a smile.

"What dose fluttershy have to do with this."Rainbow said trying to think things out.

"How you were so brave to be guy bulling her, and how did what was best, I want that kind of mare of mare for me." Applejack was so sure of her self with that.

"Applejack I like you to, like a lot, to be honest your cooler than me." Rainbow was trying to be a Honest as she could be.

"Do you want to is don't know, go out?"

Applejack was nervous but knew this was right.

"Um yes. Rainbow Dash and Applejack are now dating." Rainbow said trying to make this not so awkward.

Applejack just smile like a little school filly.

"So what now?" Applejack said with a happy look.

Author Note.

Hey guy. thanks for reading this far. trust me in not done. Do you guy have any request. (Spiderwick will be in the story again) . Do you want more couples in the story? I want to make this fun for you and me. Just ask!
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