The first glimpse

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Right, before you read, just know I am so sorry that I haven't updated and I am still alive. I've just been busy and slightly lazy :L 


Now, read! :D


Chapter 3

After packing and making sure we had everything we needed, we made our way to the airport where we would have to wait for about an hour before we could board and be on our way to New York.



"Damon, why are we going to New York?" I asked in a soft voice, hoping I would finally be told; nobody would tell me anything, but I didn't understand why.

At first he didn't look like he was gonna tell me, but after I pulled the puppy dogs; one which nobody could resist, he crumbled. He walked away slightly, most probably so that people who weren't supposed to hear didn't.

"At first, it was just gonna be a vacation for all of us, after everything we had gone through. However, apparently some people who hate Klaus and owe me a favour have said that there has been talk of the potion in New York."

"Oh. You do realise that Caroline is probably listening to us right now, right?"

He nodded his head but had a smirk on his face. I was gonna ask him what it was about, but got interrupted by the com,

“Boarding for flight 201 to New York..."

I went to grab my bags but gave Damon a look basically stating that we would talk on the plane. He rolled his eyes but nodded, before grabbing his bags and heading towards the place where we had to give the attendant our tickets.

After we were all sorted and seated, I turned to Damon with an eyebrow raised. He put his finger to his lips and put his other finger up telling me one minute. I figured he didn't want anyone else to hear, so I quickly came up with an idea and clicked my fingers, creating a sound proof bubble around the two of us.


"Caroline won't say anything, She has a plan and nobody apart from us lot know what it is."

"I wanna know!" I said in a whinny voice.

"When we find the potion, she's gonna use it to bribe Klaus into getting rid of his hybrids once and for all"

At this point, I was shocked. I knew some of the hybrids and I was friends with some of them, even best friends with a couple of them.

Damon saw my shocked face and was quick to explain, "They have to go, they're causing havoc for the towns people and leaving dead bodies drained of blood everywhere. Liz may know what we are but that doesn't mean that she likes it."

"You can't do that, it isn't fair on them!" With that said, I got rid of thee sound proof bubble and flipped him the bird. He sighed and turned away from me, knowing it was useless to try and reason with me when I was annoyed.

I brought my feet up to rest under me and closed my eyes, hoping to catch some sleep before we land. As I was slipping into la la land, I heard Damon mutter something, sound like, "I'm sorry". I smiled and drifted away.

"Ali, wake up" Someone was shaking me, trying to wake me. "Ali. We've landed, time to get off"

My eyes fluttered open to see Damon leaning over me. I yawned and got up, stretching at the same time, so I looked a bit weird. Damon chuckled at me, and pushed me off the plane, over to where our bags were and everybody else was waiting for us.

I looked around and saw that it was relatively busy at the airport, however it looked quite orderly and there was nobody running around like crazy. After we had our bags and Stefan had called a taxi for us, we headed out to the front of the airport to wait. The view was amazing and everything looked so clean and abeautiful!

The taxi came and we got in, after putting our bags in the trunk. 15 minutes later, we pulled up outside a classy hotel and got out, we got the bags out of the taxi and Damon went to sort out our room, when we got inside, we saw Damon waiting for us near the elevator with a couple of sets of keys in his hand. He waved us over and got inside the elevator and pressed the button, waiting for the ding to signal that our journey was over and all we had to do was walk down a hallway. 

After Damon had unlocked the door and it was opened, my jaw dropped. Our apartment was amazing, we all had a bedroom each and each bedroom had an en suite. The living room was large, with a beige couch, and 45 inch flat screen TV and much more that accompanied it. 

I ran into the room closest to me, it looked like it was one of the biggest rooms here, with a king sized bed and a 41 inch TV. I squealed and threw my stuff on the floor, running over to the bed and using my powers I did a flip, landing face up, staring at the ceiling. 

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