Chapter Thirteen

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And so, once again, things are awkward.

Lewis and I really do seem to be pretty skilled at that, don't we? I think it's partially down to spending all this time alone together - something we've never had to do before! Usually, we have buffers in the form of our friends to keep us apart - and when we are actually forced to interact in public, we're more like actors, putting on a show. Exchanging cheeky barbs rather than pleasantries, playing to the crowd. People expect us to be enemies, and so that's the parts we always assume, slipping into the roles like they're a second skin.

However, I can't help but notice the shift in our dynamic since we've been on this holiday. There have been occasions where we've almost been . . . Friends? Moments when we've been close to bonding. Times when I've even spotted vulnerability from his side. It's disconcerting. Uncomfortable. I'm slowly but surely viewing him less as a nemesis and more like a regular guy with actual feelings . . . And realising that sometimes - okay, often! - I've actually hurt those feelings.

I already admitted to myself a long time ago that I found him aesthetically pleasing, but over the last 24 hours or so, I've found I'm reluctantly starting to . . . like him as a person. I certainly didn't see that coming!

But now I also can't stop thinking about last night's kiss. Still can't help wondering if I want to try it again. I've even briefly considered if that "hate fuck" Lewis (apparently jokingly) referred to on the plane might actually be a good idea.

I know, I know . . . I'm clearly losing the plot. Just three days ago, the very idea was horrifying. But that kiss . . . It loosened the hinges on a gate that I thought I'd slammed shut a long time ago. That gate - whether I want it to or not - seems to be slowly creaking open. And if I push it further, it could lead down an overgrown path to a haunted house of memories . . . As well as confusing emotions that I'd long ago suppressed.

I'm really not sure that I'm ready to venture down that path.

Our boat trip has now dropped us off at a beautiful beach in a small sheltered cove, where our hosts have provided us with a barbecue. I pick at my chicken gyros and sip my little cup of wine, and I wonder what the hell I'm going to do. My phone vibrating beside me thankfully interrupts my existential crisis, and I look down to see that Lauren has finally replied to my message from earlier.

Oh, come ON, Rubes! Haven't you spotted the photos on the hotel's Insta yet???X

It's quickly followed up by a second.

P.S. I can't BELIEVE you kissed Lewis Sheridan and didn't tell me immediately! Some best friend you are!!!x

I roll my eyes as I tap my reply into my phone.

It was all smoke and mirrors, Lauren. It wasn't worth telling you about - it didn't mean anything!x

Funny . . . That's what Lewis has been telling Drew, too. But maybe you should both actually check those Instagram receipts before you protest any further? Go have a look . . . I'll wait. 😉 xx

Sighing resignedly, I click out of WhatsApp and into Instagram, searching for the hotel's account. And there it is - the most recent post: a photo carousel from last night. It's accompanied by a gushing caption, presumably composed by Maria: I certainly doubt Milos would be behind these words!

This sweet couple are the winners of a luxury stay here! Aren't Ruby and Lewis gorgeous? They're clearly madly in love, and I hope they've fallen for our hotel too!❤️

The first thing I notice is that my grin doesn't seem to look quite as forced as it felt at the time. And that I somehow seem to be glowing while Lewis, hugging me tightly to him, bends his head to whisper in my ear. Kudos, Maria, the camera on your phone appears to create miracles out of mindfucks!

But, as I scroll through the other pictures, I realise that Maria and her camera can't actually take full credit for this - chemistry so strong that it practically bursts out of my phone screen. The photographs capture the kiss in all its glory, from that first gentle brush of lip on lip to the "Oops, let's get slightly carried away!" portion of the event, and end on that last moment where our foreheads press together, our mouths less than a breath apart, eyes closed. Even in profile, you can see the hint of a smile on both our faces.

The intimacy barely contained within these images makes me feel . . . Exposed. Stripped naked. As if my (as yet nonexistent) sex tape has been leaked to the public! I enjoyed every single moment of that kiss, and it's going to be obvious to everyone.

Including Lewis!

He's been avoiding me since our little altercation in the sea earlier, although I've caught him sneaking the odd look over at me every so often, that poker face firmly back in place. Now, though, he suddenly skids to a halt in front of me, sand kicking up around us.

I'm somewhat relieved, albeit slightly puzzled, to see his mood has already lightened - he rarely seems to be down for long, but even by his standards, this is a quick recovery!

"Do you fancy hiring a pedalo boat with me?" he asks unexpectedly. I'm assuming that's not a euphemism. "A few of us are going to have a race from one side of the cove to the other. It would be good to have a crew member on board with me."

I take a deep breath to compose myself, dropping my phone in my bag. I can't help but wonder if he's looked at the photos himself yet. "Co-captains, or it's not happening," I insist, and his answering grin lights up his entire face.

"You drive a hard bargain, Captain Rub!" He reaches out a hand, partly to shake in agreement, and then to help me to my feet. The momentum caused as he pulls me, combined with the unevenness of the soft sand, keeps me in motion once upright, causing me to stumble into his chest . . . And my mouth ends up flush against his neck!

"God, sorry about that," I mutter, untangling myself and dropping his hand like a hot potato.

"Don't be," he says softly, his fingers touching the same spot my lips landed on; as if he felt the spark too. His eyes swallow me up once again, his smile now slow and lazy. And somehow hopeful? "I'm not."

I must be having some sort of meltdown; it's the only explanation for the way my body is reacting right now. My insides are liquifying simply from the way he is looking at me.

"Are you okay, Ruby?" he asks worriedly, reaching out for me again. His hand touches my shoulder lightly, and I realise I've been quiet for way too long. Just staring at him, like a fucking lunatic! "What are you thinking right now?"

And maybe what happens next is completely down to that intense heat in his gaze. Or perhaps it's those golden abs, shown off in all their glory, or the thought of what lies underneath those shorts. All of the above, even! Anyway, in that moment, something causes my thoroughly rattled brain to blow a fuse once more, and I find myself blurting out the one thing I'd never expected to say to Lewis Sheridan:

"I'm thinking that we should have sex."

RUBY! What are you DOING?👀

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RUBY! What are you DOING?👀

And how is LEWIS going to react???😱

Anyhoo, that'll be all until next week . . . I'm away up north from tomorrow so will be role-playing possible Ruby/Lewis (Rewis? LUBY??? 🤣) scenarios in my head only until my return! I hope you've enjoyed this week's chapters. ❤️

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