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Both males swallowed hard as they saw the disapproving stare that she gave both of them. "Listen sweetie...we have good reasons why we-" Katsu started to say

"Oh don't even start with me Katsu! Just what the fuck did you two think you two were doing trying to boss me around hm?! As the person in charge and the person both of you without knowing chose to make the one protected by the two of you-I want to know the entire fucking truth from both of you. Getting back to your previous jobs isn't truly your main goal is it?! You two are so fucking hormonal it makes me wonder just how much of what you two have said to me is actually true." Sina said seriously

Both males looked down ashamed of themselves. "Sina...we would never ever just use you and abandon you if that's what you're inquiring from us." Katsu said placing a hand on his chest where his heart was as he got up "Martin and I would never ever and I mean ever do something that damn stupid. We know that with you being the leaders daughter that you are more capable of doing things we can't. We just wish to be with you to make sure that no one takes advantage of you."

Sina placed her phone in her pocket and stepped away from both males. "I don't know if I can truly believe you two wouldn't just use me and leave me. It is too soon to see whether or not that's true or not." She said as she looked down sadly "Especially since I have agreed to be around the two of you, If my father is truly that worried about me being around you two then maybe I should be worried about you two as well. I don't know you two as well as my father does."

Martin got up and looked at her pleadingly. "Sina, please-trust us. We'd never do anything to harm you. The only reason we did what we had to other women was to find you. Your father keeps your families information kept hidden from public view so no one can find your families files and kill any of you. We'd never hurt you, we love you. Please believe me....believe in us." He said as he had a hand on his chest where his heart was

"Then tell me the entire truth, you two haven't answered my questions yet! Why try to control me?! What is your goal of being around me?!" She stated as she repeated her questions to the two males

"It's true we never knew about the things you knew, when we were teens neither one of us thought that what was that important. We know now that it isn't the case, we weren't trying to control you. We figured since we were the elders you'd just listen to us willingly. We had no idea there were really that important Sina. I assure you we weren't trying to gas light or blind side you sweetie. We just want the best for you." Katsu said shaking his head as he looked at her sadly

"Our goal for being around you is just to love and care for you. Protect you with everything we have. There are those who are vampiric who will do whatever the hell they can to find you, get you so wound up in their lives just to drop you and kill you when you are at your lowest. We want to keep you from having that happen to you. You mean so much to both of us." Martin said sadly

Sina thought about what the duo said deeply, she knew that in her first time through her life Senri had told her about the fact that her life would have ended by a man she thought she could trust and love. A man she swore was a mere human, but thinking about what Martin said it was obviously not the case. She shut her teal eyes for a moment before letting out a tired sigh rubbing between her eyes. Once she opened her eyes as she looked at the two males. 

"Do you two know who is targeting me? Or is it just an assumption you two have?" Sina inquired

Martin and Katsu looked at one another before Katsu spoke up looking back at her. "We know who, there is over fifteen males around our age that are trying to find and kill you. Most go to that college you enrolled into."

Sina's eyes widened hearing the answer she got from Katsu. "H-Holy shit! T-That's a lot of people...Why the hell would they want to kill me for? What importance do I hold inside my family that they feel the need to murder me?"

It was then martin who had spoken up. "Your father really never spoke to you about how important you are...has he?"

"Well obviously, I'm asking the two of you aren't I?"

Katsu and Martin both sighed and sat down before Katsu crossed his arms. "I believe that's a question that's more for your father than for us. He's the one that's kept you in the dark, yes we do know but it should come from the man that created you not us." Katsu said seriously 

Sina grabbed her phone from her pocket and held it tightly in both of her hands. "I was never close to my father growing up guys. He had higher hopes for my brothers being the chosen than me. I was literally ignored for a damn human girl who had the same birthday as me for years who my father just watch stab me and almost killed me. I fear what he'd say to me if I asked him."

"You aren't going to know the answers you seek unless you ask him Sina." Martin said seriously

She took a deep breath and nodded her head, she chose to sit between the two males again who instantly wrapped their arms around her and lay their heads against her shoulders. Sina dialed her fathers number and called him once more.

"Again so soon sweetie? What's up?"

"I have a serious question for you father, and I swear to hell if you don't answer this I'm disowning that entire damn family. I won't talk to you, your wife or my brothers ever again."

"Whoa-whoa-whoa...Sina sweetie, you don't need to go to that extremes. What's your question?"

"I was just told by Katsu and Martin that there are fifteen males around my age that wish to murder me because of some importance that I hold within the family. Due to how you treated me growing up I figured I wasn't that important, the boys tell me otherwise. So I need to know from you-what importance do I hold in our family that I'm being hunted for?"

Book Two: Lost LoversWhere stories live. Discover now