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Sina let out a sigh before she rubbed between her eyes. "I have to first ask, do you two know about the five vamparic codes?"

"Codes? What the hell are you talking about Sina?" Katsu asked confused 

Sina got up and she grabbed her phone. "There are codes that Vampires are supposed to go by, as guardians I would have thought you two of all people would know them. Especially wanting to be with the leaders daughter." Sina said as she placed a hand on her chest where her heart was

Sina then called her father before she placed it on speaker phone. "Afternoon daughter, what can I do you for? Have they been treating you well?"

"I'm fine for the most part, they've been doing well. But I must ask you a question father. Do the guardians get taught about the five codes for our kin or are they ignorant to what is around them?" Sina asked curiously

The line was silent for a moment before Steven let out a sigh "They are taught them as an intermediate class. Why ask?"

"Katsu and Martin are supposed to be guardians and I just asked them if they knew what the five codes were and both of them looked at me as if I had two heads."Sina inquired

"Ahn....They failed that class actually. Martin was asleep through most of those lessons and Katsu would skip those classes thinking that it was optional. You are personally going to have to tell them about them. It is because they didn't know about it that it was one of the many reasons they were kicked out as guardians." Steven stated

"Oh? Well then, looks like I have my hands full. Do you mind staying on the line while I speak with them about the codes so you can confirm what I say to them father?"

"Of course, as the leader of our vampire pack it is my duty to make sure everyone is well verse in the codes. Go on daughter and teach them what they should have known before now as teens."

"Very well father. Thank you." Sina said before she placed her phone on the table as she looked at the two males with her arms crossed. "First off you two truly have nerves to try to be with me when you two don't know the codes of vampires. I'm not some stupid toy for you two to use whenever you want. Now lets start off with the codes shall we. Code one; all vampiric households should have one child who is the chosen to be a part of a poly to grow the population of vampires. In my family I am the chosen and have declined my chosen group already for the two of you. Code two: All vampires not chosen may date and marry but they cannot be part of a poly. Cold three: In poly's if the only is one male and two females the male has all say in what happens. If the poly happens to be two males and one female the female has all say in what happens."

Martin and Katsu both stiffened hearing the third code and realize where they had fucked up. Sina just smirked seeing them stiffen up before she continued to speak. 

"Code four: Once the poly has been established they must without fail have one child each by the end of two years-if not the poly will be dubbed a failure and be parted from one another. And lastly Code Five: All poly's must have a person who they must protect at all costs, that must be bitten and marked by the other two in the poly. That way other vampires know not to touch that person."

Through her phone Steven clapped his hands. "You explained them rather well daughter. Now I must say since you have denied your original bond, Those two must replace the two you were originally supposed to be with. Which means you must be pregnant with one child from both of them by the end of two years. I know you wish to go through college daughter and that is all well and fine, the college you picked should have a night class where you should be able to do most of your classes online."

"There is and I will be come Monday father. Though I must ask, what the hell was with the chip that was placed in me?"

"Ahn...so that was taken out huh? Well it was at random between you and your brothers. I had hoped the council would spare you and allow it to be one of your elder brothers. But sadly none of your brothers were picked, I don't know if you know this but your Aunt Viven is on the council, she never told me shit about who was picked. Guess I should have known better than thinking the plush you had been given on your birthday was some ordinary plush...Though it makes me confused and wonder-Why did you wish to reject  your real mated person daughter?"

"The bastard has no sense of right or wrong. He would brush his own damn wife to the side for me. I don't ever want to be the reason a couple parts ways. It is why I had rewound time to begin with. The male I was supposed to be with-Senri Shiki was supposed to be with me and his wife Rima. Rima fakes liking the idea just so Senri can get over himself, after the first time he would end up push her to the side for me-as if he'd get obsessed with me for some reason. I don't want something like that to happen. If I am to be with two people-all well and fine, but I don't want to be the reason a married couple ends up splitting ways." Sina said sadly shaking her head 

"I see...I do remember you saying something like that when you were ten years old. I had brushed it off, but you truly were the chosen one weren't you" Steven asked

"Mhm I was, It was Katsu who took the chip out of me."

"Then he'll be known as your main lover sweetie, he must be the one to get you pregnant first and be the first you marry. Afterwards you will have to do the same to the other." Steven stated

"Okay...I can work with that. Thank you father."

"Of course. If you have any other issues or concerns please don't hesitate to call me, I am very worried and concerned that you have the two of them there with you without anyone watching over you. I don't want to lose you."

"You won't father. We'll talk later." Sina said before she hung up the call

Book Two: Lost LoversWhere stories live. Discover now