Chapter 13: Echoes of the Past

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The next day at Sunshine Academy began much like any other, with students falling back into their usual routines. Ananya arrived early, as she always did, her mind already focused on the day’s tasks. But there was a small, pleasant distraction that kept sneaking into her thoughts—a chocolate, and the boy who had given it to her.

She hadn’t told anyone about it, not even Simran or Arohi. It felt like a tiny secret, something she wanted to hold close to her heart, at least for now. As she walked to her classroom, her hand brushed against the chocolate still safely tucked away in her bag. The thought of it made her smile—a subtle but undeniable shift in her emotions that she wasn’t sure how to interpret.

When she reached the classroom, she found Aarav already there, sitting with his usual group of friends. They were engaged in their typical animated conversation, laughing over some inside joke. Aarav was at the center of it, as always, effortlessly charming and full of life.

Ananya hesitated for a moment, her steps faltering slightly as she caught sight of him. He hadn’t noticed her yet, and she took a moment to observe him, her thoughts swirling in a mix of confusion and curiosity. This wasn’t the first time Aarav had done something nice for her—they had shared countless playful moments over the years—but there was something different about yesterday, something that made her see him in a new light.

Before she could dwell on it too long, Arohi appeared beside her, breaking her reverie. “Hey, Ananya! You’re early today.”

Ananya blinked, quickly regaining her composure. “Yeah, just wanted to get a head start on some reading.”

Arohi nodded, not noticing anything unusual. “Good idea. I’ve got some catching up to do after that break!”

They walked to their seats together, with Ananya stealing one last glance at Aarav before turning her attention to her books. Throughout the morning, she found herself more distracted than usual, her thoughts drifting back to him at odd moments. But each time, she forced herself to refocus, determined not to let her feelings interfere with her studies.

Aarav, for his part, seemed as unbothered as ever. He didn’t approach her, didn’t make any more gestures that would give away what he was thinking. Instead, he continued to banter with his friends, occasionally tossing a teasing comment in Ananya’s direction during class but never lingering on her for too long.

During a break between classes, Ishaan leaned over to Aarav, grinning mischievously. “So, any plans to play Cupid this semester? You’ve been unusually nice lately.”

Aarav shrugged, keeping his tone casual. “Just being a decent human being, Ishaan. It’s not all about teasing, you know.”

“Oh, really?” Yash chimed in, raising an eyebrow. “And here I thought you lived for it.”

Aarav laughed, not giving anything away. “Maybe I’m turning over a new leaf.”

Their conversation continued, filled with the usual lighthearted banter, but Ananya couldn’t help but notice the way Aarav’s gaze occasionally flickered in her direction, as if he were aware of her presence even when he wasn’t looking directly at her.

As the day wore on, the classroom gradually emptied out as students left for their various activities. Ananya stayed behind, using the quiet time to catch up on her writing. She had a new idea she wanted to explore, something that had come to her during one of her many moments of reflection over the break.

The door creaked open, and Ananya looked up to see Aarav standing in the doorway. For a moment, their eyes met, and Ananya felt a familiar warmth spread through her chest. But just as quickly, Aarav broke the gaze, offering her a small smile before heading out without a word.

Ananya watched him go, her thoughts swirling once again. It was such a small interaction, yet it left her feeling unsettled in a way she couldn’t quite explain. There was something about Aarav that had always intrigued her, something that had kept her coming back to their playful banter even when it annoyed her.

But now, that something was beginning to change, evolving into a feeling that was both exhilarating and terrifying. And yet, despite the growing confusion in her heart, Ananya knew one thing for sure—she wasn’t ready to let go of her focus. Her studies were still her top priority, and no matter how her feelings for Aarav developed, she wasn’t going to let them distract her from what mattered most.

As she packed up her things and left the classroom, Ananya resolved to keep her emotions in check. She had worked too hard to get where she was, and she wasn’t about to let anything—or anyone—derail her path.

But as she walked down the quiet hallways of the school, she couldn’t shake the feeling that something had shifted between her and Aarav, something that neither of them could ignore for much longer. And whether she was ready for it or not, it seemed that this new chapter of her life was just beginning.

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