Dean's a gossip girl.

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I looked at my father, as he pulled the handbrake after parking his black impala.
We were both dressed in cheap suits and we had our fake IDs as always. Father was a federal, while I was supposed to be an intern.

We left our car and we headed towards, a seemingly ordinary single-family house, where two young daughters were murdered last night.

We passed under the yellow police tape. The town sheriff almost immediately approached us.

-Agent Mitchell. - Father lied without even stuttering, showing the sherif his fake ID card. Then he pointed his head at me.

-And that's my intern Scott. We came to look around the crime scene.

Sheriff shook my father's hand, then mine own. He hand gestured us to follow him.

-Glad you're here, but one of yours is already here. You have some kind of convention, or something? - The man laughed.

Taking advantage of his inattention I gave my father a questioning look. He just shrugged, giving me to understand, that he also didn't know who the other agent was. I couldn't remember my father ever wanting to work with another hunter.

When we entered the living room, in which there was a bunch of police officers, a female figure caught my eye. She was wearing black suit pants and white shirt. When she turned around, I felt like hitting thick, hopefully concrete wall.

-You've got to be kiddin me. - I mumbled under my nose and frowned. Out of the corner of my eye I noticed my father's shoulders tense up. He knew, that the girl is a Hunter. He could sense it a mile away.

-Well, well, something went clearly wrong with your "hoping to never see eachother again", Dean. - Esmary, of course, couldn't help her stupid grin. I just felt my blood pressure going high.

-What the hell are you doin' here?- I asked, not even trying to hide my irritation.

-I'm picking some flowers. - She snorted. - I'm trying to solve the case, isn't that obvious?

I rolled my eyes. Nothing has changed in these four years.

-Go outside. Now. - My father ordered in a sharp tone. He always used that tone, if he didn't like something. I looked at him. And I wasn't wrong. He was looking at Esmary. The girl kept an unbothered face, but her posture slightly changed. She straightened up and raised her chin higher, trying to look more confident. I wanted to burst out of laugh.

I noticed that the sheriff left some time ago. We went out into the garden in front of the house.

-Listen, I have no idea who you are, and I don't want to know, so it would be better if you just left it to us. - He said with the same unfriendly tone.

Everyone normal, mentally stable, would listen to him. And run away as far, as possible. But not her. Of course, that Esmary didn't give a single shit about it.

-Listen, looking at your tired faces, I can tell that you both had a rough time getting here. I suspect that this case is the last thing you wish to do right now. But even so, you will still take care if it, since you're Hunters. It's your duty. - She crossed her arms on her chest. - So, I have a deal. I'll help you. We'll finish it fast and everyone will go their own, seperate ways. - Esmary gave me a quick look.

For a while, we all went silent. No one even gave a single word, making the atmosphere heavy. My father couldn't stop glancing at Esmary. But none of them even blinked. Esmary didn't change her posture, she didn't even let out a deeper breath. She focused all her attention on the silent staring contest with my father.

Finally, my father sighed.

-We need to talk. - At first I thought he said it to me. But he was still looking at her. Brown haired girl nodded. Dad just ordered me to go back to the motel we were staying in. That just made me even more pissed off. He threw me the car keys, as they both left.

I went silent, not even giving him a single word. I got into the car, and I left the property. I turned on the radio, trying to calm down and when I heard Handful Of Rain Savatage, I felt my the muscles relax a bit.


I parked at the motel. When I was getting out of the car, I slammed the door. I  apologized to it right away, and went to my room which I shared with Sam. I didn't even get surprised when I noticed my younger brother with a boring book in his hands.

Sam looked at me and smiled. I just waited for him to start laughing at me.

-You alright? You look mad. And where's dad?

I didn't answer, instead I went to the fridge and grabbed some beer.

-You remember that time I told you 'bout that one witch I had a "pleasure" to work with? - I asked, taking a sip of beer. Sam put the book aside and looked at me.

-Yeah. What about her?

-We went to the house and she was already here.

-If she called you the same names, as before, I still like her. - He smirked.

-One more word, you bitch. - I warned him, pointing my finger at him. But my brother just laughed louder.

Suddenly, we both turned our heads towards the door and the window. From the outside we could hear a sound of the car engine. After a while, our father and Esmary entered our motel room. I clenched my fingers around the can of beer stronger.

-So, she's goin with us?

-Unfortunately for you, Winchester. - Esmary grinned mockingly.

I gave my father a stare but he didn't seem to care as he didn't even glanced at me. His face looked serious, his shoulders were tense, and his sight made me aware that he wasn't so happy about this cooperation. Well, me neither.

He rarely worked with anyone but us both. I could count all the times John Winchester asked someone for help on just one hand. So I was even more confussed why he let Esmary join us for solving this case. What that girl had that special in her to make him agree.

Sam got out of bed and he walked up to Esmary. He smiled friendly with those stupid puppy eyes. He extended his hand towards the girl.

-Sam Winchester.

-Esmary Davis. - She returned him a smile. Well, who would have guessed, our witch has a last name. - Dean mentioned that you like listening to "crap" music.

-And he said that your Mustang is wasted on you.

Son of a bitch. Davis raised an eyebrow in question, if he's joking. I shrugged and grinned.

-So you like to gossip, Dean-O.

I wanted to take out my gun and shoot her, and after her my stupid brother.

-Hey, can you stop acting like little kids and focus on the case? - My father spoke up impatiently.

I straightened up. We approached the table, where case files were spread out. I mostly focused on the photos taken of the victims.

The victims were two young girls. They were quite similliar to eachother, so I could have guessed they were sisters. But that wasn't the most important. They had their veins and larynx cut open.

-Tomorrow we're going to interview the victims family, but the sheriff already told me that their house was closed that night. There were no signs of someone breaking in, not even fingerprints left. - My father informed us. - It was as if the perpetrator has vanished into thin air, or as if he was a.. .

-A ghost. - Sam finished.

-Exactly. - Dad nodded.

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