Little girl beat us up

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 I cursed the person in my head, who came up with such a great idea, that agents had to dress elegantly. I can't even count how many times I've already adjust the fabric of my black skirt, which wrinkled strangely on my hips. Or constantly smooth out the black shirt. I don't even want to mention high heel boots I had to wear too.

 I left grumpy, and seeing Dean outside didn't help at all. He definetly wasn't happy neither, as he rolled his eyes. 

-If I were you, I would get worried that my eyes will sooner or later fell out from rolling them all the time. 

-At least I don't look like a damn teacher. - He replied with the same sarcastic tone, as I did.

-Well, you look like you're going on a funeral. 

 My eyes left Dean, as I looked at John and Sam, who just left their motel room. John had a serious face as always, Sam on the other hand tried to stop his smile. It seemed like he heared our small conversation. 

-If you'll keep on hating on him like that, I'm gonna have to start paying you. - He laughed, which make me smile.

 Sam got into my car, while John went to his chevrolet. I turned around, to get behind the wheel, but suddenly a strong hand stopped me. I felt a hard grip, and before I could even think, I was standing face to face with Dean. We were just a few centimeters apart, I didn't like it.

 I made a face, more disgusted than hurt. 

I tried to get away from this psycho, but he just tightened his more grip. I glanced at his green eyes, which were literally glued into me. 

-I have no idea what you're doin', but I'll know. My father wouldn't work with some random girl. 

 I wanted to burst out of laugh, right into his face, and slap him as hard as possible. He probably got hit in his stupid head, while hunting with his dad. 

- If you won't take off your goddamn hand from mine in the next 5 seconds, I'll shoot it. - I whispered to him madly. We looked at each other with stern glances, before he finally let go. 

 He completly ignored everything that just happend and went to his car. Who did he think he was? 

-Dumbass. - I whispered again under my nose, before I got into my mustang.


I knocked on the house's door, where two night ago a tragedy took place. I looked at John out of the corner of my eye. When me and him were supposed to talk with the family on the ground floor, Sam and Dean went to look upstairs, trying to find some interesting things, related to our case. 

 After a moment, a woman in her forties stood on the doorstep. She had shoulder-length, blond hair and tears in her eyes. That didn't surprised me. I smiled gently.

- Hi, we're special agents. - I pointed at John, and showed our badges to her. - We would like to ask you some questions about your daughters murder. If that's okay with you. 

- Yes, of course. Please, come in. - She sniffed and moved away slightly, so that we could enter. I nodded in gratitude. 

 She led us to the living room, where her husband was already there. He had his head down, hunched over and was resting his elbows on his knees. He was devastated. When the man noticed us, he standed up. 

- Agent Mitchell and agent Johnson. - The Winchester introduced us. We sat down on the couch. Miss Maxwell joined her husband on the another couch in front of us.

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