2. specter

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she's included in my fan arc but I'm too lazy to write her entire book

she was born to be a villain, a revenge weapon for her father, chameleon. to not feel, to not think, to solely act upon her father's every whim.

she was unnamed for a couple months because chameleon couldn't care less for her.

she has an unsuccessful assassination attempt on peril.

she doesn't know how to think or feel, aka she can't regulate her thoughts or emotions. mainly bc her father never told her about emotions, except in a disdainful tone to show her what it was like, to show her what to avoid.

she is supposed to be a spectacle, a killing maniac, on a spree. she dances with death like her life is a show. perhaps it is.

she has very little opinion, instead going along with what her peers say.

she hates herself a lot, mainly because of her father instilling opinions into her since she was a dragonet. when she realized she liked iridescence, she freaked out a ton.

she gets killed by her father and iridescence's mother after she failed her mission at jma (killing peril) and began dating iridescence.

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