Chapter 26: The Unforgiving Edge

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Veer paced the room, his fists clenching and unclenching as he tried to make sense of the betrayal that had just been laid bare before him. His mind was a whirlwind of rage, confusion, and something darker—something that twisted his thoughts into a seething hatred. Aisha's confession echoed in his ears, each word a dagger that plunged deeper into his heart.

How could she do this to him? After everything he had done for her, after everything he had sacrificed, this was how she repaid him? By trying to destroy him, to expose his secrets to the world?

His eyes flicked to Aisha, who still sat on the edge of the bed, her face streaked with tears, her body trembling. She looked so fragile, so vulnerable—but all he could see was the woman who had stabbed him in the back.

"You think you can get away with this?" Veer snarled, his voice low and dangerous. He took a step toward her, his presence looming over her like a shadow. "You think you can betray me and walk away unscathed?"

Aisha's eyes met his, and for a moment, he saw the defiance still burning in her gaze. But it only fueled his anger, stoking the flames of his hatred until they consumed him. He couldn't stand the sight of her, the woman he had once thought he could trust, now nothing more than a traitor.

"I never wanted to hurt you, Veer," Aisha whispered, her voice trembling with fear. "I just wanted to be free."

"Free?" Veer spat the word like it was poison. "You think freedom comes without consequences? You think you can just walk away from me after everything you've done?"

He reached out, grabbing her by the arm and yanking her to her feet. Aisha gasped, the pain shooting through her arm as his grip tightened. She tried to pull away, but Veer held her fast, his fingers digging into her flesh like a vice.

"You think you can hurt me and get away with it?" he growled, his face inches from hers. "You think I won't make you pay for what you've done?"

Aisha's breath hitched, her heart pounding in her chest as she realized the full extent of Veer's rage. This wasn't just anger—this was something far more dangerous, something that threatened to consume them both.

"Veer, please," she begged, her voice barely above a whisper. "I didn't want it to come to this. I just wanted—"

"Silence!" Veer roared, cutting her off. His hand shot up, striking her across the face with a force that sent her stumbling back. Aisha cried out, the sting of the blow radiating through her cheek as she fell to the floor.

Veer stared down at her, his chest heaving with the effort to control his breathing. He had never hit her before, never crossed that line—but now, all he could feel was a cold, unrelenting satisfaction. She deserved this. She deserved to feel the pain she had caused him.

"Get up," he ordered, his voice cold and devoid of emotion. "I'm not finished with you yet."

Aisha struggled to her feet, her legs trembling beneath her as she faced him. Her cheek throbbed where he had struck her, the taste of blood lingering on her lips. But she didn't back down. She couldn't afford to show weakness—not now, not when Veer was at his most dangerous.

"I trusted you, Aisha," Veer continued, his voice low and menacing. "I gave you everything, and this is how you repay me? By trying to ruin me?"

Aisha shook her head, tears streaming down her face as she tried to explain, to make him understand. "I never wanted to ruin you, Veer," she said, her voice shaking. "I just wanted to escape, to find a way out of this—"

"Escape?" Veer interrupted, his eyes flashing with fury. "There is no escape for you, Aisha. Not from me."

He advanced on her, his hand reaching out to grab her by the throat, squeezing just enough to make her gasp for air. Aisha's hands flew to his wrist, trying to pry his fingers away, but he was too strong, his grip like iron.

"You belong to me," Veer hissed, his face inches from hers. "And I will make sure you never forget that."

With a violent shove, he released her, sending her crashing back onto the bed. Aisha coughed, struggling to catch her breath as she looked up at him, her vision blurred by tears. But she could still see the hatred in his eyes, the cold, unyielding fury that consumed him.

"You're going to regret ever crossing me, Aisha," Veer vowed, his voice a deadly whisper. "I'll make sure of it."

Aisha's heart pounded in her chest, the fear coursing through her veins like ice. She knew then that she was trapped, caught in a web of Veer's making, with no way out. And as she lay there, bruised and broken, she realized that the battle between them was far from over.

It was only just beginning.

Veer watched as Aisha lay on the bed, her body trembling, her breath ragged. He could see the fear in her eyes, the way she shrank away from him. It was a sight that should have brought him satisfaction, but instead, it only deepened the chasm of hatred festering within him.

How had it come to this? How had the woman who once captivated him, who once stirred something close to affection within him, turned into the embodiment of betrayal? His mind churned with questions, each one twisting the knife deeper into his heart.

But there was no room for doubt, no room for weakness. Aisha had made her choice, and now she would face the consequences.

Veer stepped closer, his shadow falling over her like a dark cloud. Aisha tensed, her eyes wide with a mixture of terror and defiance. She was still fighting, still clinging to whatever scraps of resistance she had left. But Veer was determined to crush that spirit, to break her until there was nothing left but submission.

He reached out, his hand grasping her wrist with bruising force as he yanked her up from the bed. Aisha let out a small cry of pain, but he ignored it, dragging her across the room to a nearby chair. With a rough shove, he forced her down into it, his hands tightening around her shoulders as he leaned down, his face inches from hers.

"You're going to sit here and listen," Veer growled, his voice low and menacing. "And you're going to understand just how badly you've fucked up."

Aisha's breath came in shallow gasps, her eyes locked on his with a mixture of fear and defiance. But she didn't speak, didn't try to resist. She knew there was no point in fighting him—not when he was like this.

"I gave you everything," Veer continued, his grip on her shoulders tightening. "I let you into my life, into my world, and this is how you repay me? By stabbing me in the back? By trying to tear everything I've built apart?"

Aisha flinched at his words, but she didn't look away, her gaze unwavering despite the fear that gripped her. "I did what I had to do," she whispered, her voice trembling. "I couldn't live like that anymore, Veer. I couldn't be your puppet, your prisoner."

Veer's eyes darkened, his expression twisting with anger. "You think you're a victim? You think I'm the one who wronged you?" He leaned in closer, his breath hot against her skin. "You're the one who betrayed me, Aisha. You're the one who made the choice to go behind my back, to try and destroy everything I've worked for."


End of Chapter 26

Like and comment if Aisha's struggle for freedom has left you as breathless as it has me! The battle is only just beginning, and there's so much more to come.

Warm regards,

Dixita Verma

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