Copyright © [2019] [R. Lynn Kresge]
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or used in any manner without the prior written permission of the copyright owner, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.
(written by Kikazaru Agape')
Narrator: You couldn't have written it without my help.
So here we are stuck in a tree in Nannerville. Mildred is writing Nannerville: Through the Portal, and I am writing Nannerville: Back to the Portal. Now that you are all caught up, I'm going to read over Mildred's shoulder and see how her book is coming along.
~Signed The Other Narrator~
Mildred: Kika!
Kika: Yeah?
Mildred: Quit reading over my shoulder. We talked about this!
Kika: Fine.
Mildred: Why aren't you writing?
Kika: Because I am writing Back to the Portal and so far, the only thing that has happened is that we're stuck in this nanner tree. I'm caught up with my writing. Oh I guess I could write this dialogue down.
Mildred: Stop.
Kika: Stop what?
Mildred: Writing down everything we say and do.
Kika: How can I write a book about our adventure back to the portal if I'm not allowed to write what we do or say?
Mildred: OK but just the important stuff no one has to read the irrelevant nonsense stuff.
Kika: Well sometimes you don't know something is important until later then you can't remember it as clear so I'm going to write everything down and sort it out later.
Mildred: Sounds grueling.
Kika: It is my process.
Mildred: Well, your process seems a lot like a waste of time, energy, and paper.
Kika: It's a lot better than being stuck in a tree trying to remember what happened a few months ago.
Mildred: Months?! Feels more like years.
Kika: I don't know how much time has went by for you. Time works differently in our world. So did you get to the part your tent landed on a Gnoman and wounded him?
Mildred: No! That didn't happen!
Kika: Did so! One of Gnoman's got it on video -the whole thing. No point in denying it.
Mildred: Why don't I remember it then?
Kika: Because you didn't write it down.
Mildred: I'm trying to remember so I can write it down. If we could get down from this tree maybe we could find the Gnoman and watch the video. That would help me remember.
Kika: Ohhh, we're going to watch the video. It's evidence in the case against you.
Mildred: The case against me?
Kika: Oh yes when you were here the first time you broke several Nannerville laws. The hearing is set. That is why you're here now.
Mildred: And you're just now telling me this!? ... and what Nannerville laws?!

Nannerville: Through the Portal
HumorThe Agape' Apes Series: 1. Nannerville: Through the Portal 2. Nannerville: Back to the Portal 3. The Adventures of the Agape' Apes and Friends 4. These are Bananas 5. This is Bananas