Chapter one part three

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We were walking out of school when the same kid on the bus stormed over to me with a evil smirk on his face " look who it guys the the girl who thinks she girls can play sports and the guy with no car" * my god dude you sound just like a bully on tv like really is that the best you can come up with* he mutters under his breath calling me a pussy and before I could even react Scarlett whipped around and cracked him in the face. He fell straight on his ass" my fucking nose you lumberjack" he yelled to Scarlett holding his nose blood pouring out. " a lumberjack is more Manley then you fuck face" * really scar fuck face your no better then him at insults* his buddy's helped him up and they walked away " I didn't know what to say it just came out" she shook her hand "damn he's literally has got a hard head" I couldn't hide my face of concern * you okay there * I looked down at her hand it was already bruising. She gave me a small chuckle. "oh yea plus I think I might've broke his nose". *you definitely made it bleed that's for sure. We walked over to my house laughing about well... just laughing at random things. Hanging out with Scarlett is the only time I'm actually happy for once my whole life I've just had no emotion I have no clue why I just never had but.. with Scarlett it's different I'm actually happy and have a good time with her. We always hang out it's all we do. My mom likes to bug us about how we should date with how much we hang out. She clapped her hands knocking me out of my trance. " so grab our stuff and head to the park" I nodded my head * that's the plan and maybe some food me later what are you thinking * "PIZZA!!" * you and pizza* I rolled my eyes as I was saying it and it's true she has an addiction to pizza like it's crack. " I can't help it that they make pizza good I mean the melted creamy cheese the toppings the sauce and man on man the stuffed crust to top it off" she made a quick chefs kiss "perfection" *alright you made your statement your lucky I like pizza* she looked over to me " you just can't say no to me" * yea yea whatever helps you sleep at night* I unlocked the door the my house mom wasent home yet huh weird we walked upstairs into my room. She flopped onto my bed spreading out across it looking at the ceiling. "Man I forget how bland your room looks it's boring besides this". She turned on her stomach and picked up the picture of my dad.   "You know I bet your dad was so cool I mean a superhero wow that would be so awsome". I walked over and took the picture. *yea he was stupid I don't get the whole superhero thing I mean the saving people is good but what about your family what if they need you too* I slammed the stupid thing on the dresser making a loud bang. *I never even knew the guy he was here till I was three then his so called sacrifice leaves me and my mom left alone!!! What kinda of hero does that * Scarlett's face changed from chill to concerned in a second. " hey I'm sorry I didn't mean to stir anything up that wasn't what I was trying to do" after she said that she sat up and stared at me with a sad look on her face. I sat down beside her on my bed close enough I could hear her breath. *I know it's just I understand why he did it but did he even think about me or my mom or was he just willing to do it without a second thought*. I started to break down she didn't care she just pulled me closer with a hug. " it's alright Im here if you ever need a thing" she pulled back and looked at me still holding my shoulders. "I mean it anything now get changed and grab your skateboard so we can go". I nodded my head and walked to my closet. I was a little embarrassed she saw me like that but it was overpowered by gratitude by how of a good friend she is I'm glad to call her that.            I grabbed a dark navy blue shirt and a long sleeved dark green flannel. I quickly changed grabbed the skateboard and Scarlett's roller blades *here* I threw her the roller blades one almost hit in the face before she caught it " trying to kill me now"  I smiled  * you saw me vulnerable no witnesses*   She stood up  "really now is that what you think she walked over to my door opened it " guess I'll go tell everyone about your very huge daddy issues" she joked         *scar if you do I swear*  she walks out the door and turns around to face me as I go to follow her out "if you actually think I will you've got some major trust issues"   *it's not that.... I just I don't know I've already got half the school looking at me all weird being the kid of some major hero and I just turn out to be this quiet guy with no powers they give me a look of  disappointment and I don't need more so I get a little worried*   " I thought you didn't care about what they think" we walked outside put on our gear and started riding to the park keeping pace with each other.  *I don't truly I don't but it's tiring all they want me to do is show off some kind of power I don't have then they make some weird jokes that's not even that good all day god if only I wasent the kid to him*. She rolled her eyes in annoyance.  " they would just make fun of something else about you Jason what do you not get hero or not people are gonna be people" when we made it to the park we stopped. " look I get what your feeling kinda but my point is who gives a shit your dad would be proud of you and if he isn't I know your mom is. And I'm sure as hell am cause if anybody's making it to collage you are even in class you don't care about you make A's In. So who care what they think about you being a kid of a hero. What we care about is you and that's all you need to care about okay".  *thanks scar your a good friend*  she put her hands on her hip.  " your damn right I am I'm also the only one that can deal with your shit now let's ride".

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2024 ⏰

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