Chapter 4- Diagnoses to shock

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As I'm getting changed Angela comes in. "How was your appointment?" she asks I nod back "Yeah it was fine just the usual," I say as I quickly finish getting ready. Me and Angela continue to chat until I make it back to Tim's office. As I step in all the quiet chattering turns into silence with the occasional tap on his keyboard. "How's the paperwork going" I say to him as he looks up. "It's awful. I'm never letting my paperwork stack up again." I just giggle and nod. "I can drive so you can continue to do some paperwork in the car but we do really need to get going back out as I've already clocked in." I say back to him smiling. "For a start your not driving I've never let you before and I never will" I giggle as he gives me a stern look. "Second of all don't you have paperwork to do?". I smile widely back at him. "No. Because unlike you I do most of it at the end of shifts which means it doesn't pile up." He sighs in response standing up as we exit he looks the door to his office which I don't get as there's nothing but paperwork in there for anyone to steal.

As we head down to get a vehicle I start to feel slightly sick again I've had that a lot lately but I'm assuming its just the start of me catching Ivy's new stomach bug. I put my hand over my stomach and then the pain goes away again. Tim quickly managed to get a hold of his favourite police car the one that he may as well own cause he drives it everyday. We both get in conversation filling the car about plans for after work what he's going to get Ginny for his birthday, I even managed to get a chance to message Ronan. I was having a pretty good day. When all of a sudden the radio crackled into life "Active burglary going on at ***** bank" I take a slight glance at Tim who nods as he starts to turn the car around and put on sirens and lights as I grab the radio "7-adam-19 show us responding" and I say a silent prayer to the lord that it's nothing big.

* * * * *

As we get closer to the bank we turned off our lights and sirens before quietly pulling into a spot in the far corner of the car park. We head towards the bank our game plan being to silently open the door go behind the guy take his gun an get him to stand down. Sounds easy enough right. As we manage to get the door open silently and we approach the man everything is going smoothly until all of a sudden it wasn't. There was two of them. Two guys the other had its gun pointing towards a little boy breaking my heart imaging how scared he must be and my mind goes to Charlie. "Put the gun down. Do this the easy way and let us arrest you" He laughs "Why would I do that." He arms the gun, leaving me with no choice I run at him tackling him to the ground. 

Then everything went black, my ears where ringing and I felt pain shoot through my lower abdomen. I've been shot. I hear screams of the little boy as I open my eyes and see him run to his Mum. Even if this guy shot me I was still on top of him the only chance I might get. I gather all my remaining strength turning my body around taking his gun out of his hands and chucking it across the room arresting him. Bringing the bank to safety and my body to dead weight my eyes showing nothing but darkness.


What do I do. I can see Chen in the corner looking more like dead weight I have two criminals handcuffed but one slowly making its way back to his gun and a room full of people. I don't think twice and just do instead. "Everyone exit this building right now." and with that mayhem starts everyone starts running as I try make my way across losing site of my other prisoner. I slowly make it over to him as he tries to lift his gun even though he's in handcuffs my mind keeps going back to Lucy sitting there blood pouring out of her lower stomach as she lays there like dead weight. I quickly grab ahold of both prisoners moving them both outside to the car making sure its locked. I get one of the bank security members to stand at the car. They didn't seem to be much use for anything else considering the fact they didn't manage to do anything about these to crinimals.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14 ⏰

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