Trying to get Settled in (revised)

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Some filler content really that I'm doing, which I forgot to mention chapter filler, maybe only 5 chapters long depending on how far invested into the story I am.

Probably also not that long.

But with nothing else said, let's go.

It had been six weeks since the battle of Ultron. Petra and her siblings were still getting adjusted to their new surroundings.

Luckily, Nat and Cap helped them adjust to their new surroundings, as they were basically in a foreign land. Nat had helped them on improving more on their English, as well as a few other languages, somewhat getting rid of their thick Sokovia accent, Nat had said it was for missions and to help them blend in, they would also work on hand to hand, which usually ended with most of the team except Vision getting their asses handed to them, though Petra took a while longer due to the training from the Winter Soldier she had gotten.

As for what they did individually, Pietro for the first weeks had spent his time running around and check out every part of the compound, before settling down, Wanda kind of just kept to her self in her room, only coming out for food or whatever, but was opening up to the others, besides her siblings especially with Vision and Petra had took most of her time to study with Nat or Vision, and learn more about New York, well more than she new already knew, or work on her little project, with the help of the Friday, the A.I. that took over for Jarvis when his code was placed into Vision.

Petra, for the most part, was curious about New York, as she has been researching all the different locations and whatever else she could learn online.

She found some places interesting, and wanted to know more about them, places like Roxxon, Rand Enterprises, and Midland Circle, but for some reason these places felt off to her, like there was something more to them, maybe Natasha was starting to corrupt her already, as Natasha had been teaching the siblings how to look over their shoulders, and always stay alert, as well as things about not trusting this or that.

Petra shook it off and decided to switch it up and look up recent events that had happened in New York, and what she came across the most, was the fall of a man named Wilson Fisk, due to a masked vigilante named Daredevil in April.

This had caught Petra's attention, and she delved more in depth to find out information about this. Apparently, this man, Wilson Fisk, had made waves last month in his whole campaign to save Hell's Kitchen. Though from what their saying, now he been behind a series of deaths and destruction in Hell's Kitchen.

These deaths included alot of people, including a reporter named Ben Urich, as well as the bombing of a Russian gang, not mention having control over the police in Hell's Kitchen, reporters in the media and many others, including a politician in his back pocket.

How man like this with so much power and influence was able to be brought down was beyond her, but apparently, this Daredevil was able to do it.

Though this now caught her attention, she was about to delve into it when she heard footsteps coming up behind her, turing around she looked to see Natasha.

"Hey маленький паук."

Petra had gestured to the computer, to which Nat came and sat in on of the nearby chairs next to Petra and looked at the computer.

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