Watching a Horror Movie With Lilia Vanrouge🦇

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❥Summary: Its horror movie night at Ramshackle Dorm. Who are you inviting over?

❥Tags: horror movie night, twisted wonderland x reader, lilia vanrouge, fluff, adorable, so much fluff, pillow fight, cuddles, lilia is such a goofball.

❥Notes: Wanted to continue this horror movie series with twisted wonderland characters. Last one I did was Floyd so now its time for Lilia. Enjoy!

Lilia Vanrouge 🦇 + Jeepers Creepers🪡

Lilia Vanrouge 🦇 + Jeepers Creepers🪡

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🦇"Kufufu. Your asking little old me on a date now, are we? Hehe, I'm teasing you. I'd be delighted to come over~!" Lilia would instantly tease you, causing you to blush, the minute you said if he wanted to come over to watch a horror movie with you at Ramshackle. He was over the moon that you were inviting him, and immediately started to ask if he needed to bring anything special for the movie night.

🦇You told him just to bring his cute self with his pajamas to your dorm, and reminding him to arrive at 7 PM. Giggling at that, Lilia gave you a quick hug, before he disappeared with his magic. As you began to head back to class, you started to think on how you could prepare for the movie night, and also what movie to pick. You knew Lilia has been around for a long time, and he was up to date with modern technology as he often gamed with Idia. Maybe you could pick a movie from your world? It would be something that Lilia has never seen before and he may enjoy it.

🦇After class, you headed to your dorm and started to prepare. Remembering Lilia's fondness for tomatoes, you decided to have some tomato juice for him to drink, and also make a margarita pizza as well, as nothing beats eating pizza when watching a movie. With the help of the ghosts, you were able to string some colored lights around the walls, giving the room a spooky feeling. The couch was layered with fluffy blankets and pillows, and the food was placed on the living room table.

🦇A rhythmic knock was heard from the door, alerting you. Sprinting towards it, you opened it wide to reveal, nobody? Huh? Sticking your head out, you looked left and right, wondering where Lilia was. "BOO!" Popping up from above, Lilia was hanging upside down, wearing a cheesy grin. "AHH! Jeez! Lilia!" Glaring at him, he continued to laugh at your reaction before floating around to where he was standing face to face with you. It took a moment for you to look at his adorable outfit. He was wearing neon green lounge wear with little bats decorating it. "Hehe~ Gomenasai. I couldn't resist." You couldn't stay mad at him for long, as a smile made its way to your face. Grabbing his hand, you led him inside your dorm, heading towards the decorated living room.

🦇Lilia couldn't resist and ran towards the couch, hopping onto it with a giggle, causing you to shake your head. Making your way towards the tv, you inserted the movie you picked for the both of you to enjoy, heading back towards the couch to sit next to Lilia. Reaching for the tomato beverage on the table, you handed it to Lilia with a smile which he gladly accepted with a kind smile. "What is the name of the movie we are watching?" Lilia questioned, as he reached for the pizza and began nibbling on it, cheese stretching out from the slice he consumed. "Oh its a movie called Jeepers Creepers. It's a very popular movie from my world and I picked it because I'm pretty sure its gonna be a movie you have never seen before."

🦇Lilia chuckled, saying he was excited to watch it, leaning more towards you to place his head on your shoulder. He always does stuff like this to make your heart race. Trying to ignore the adorable bat fae on your shoulder, your eyes drew to the tv as it began to play. The movie continued to play, showing the two main protagonists exploring a local church where they saw the villain supposedly dumping bodies somewhere. Lilia was beaming with excitement, his magenta colored eyes sparkling the more the movie played. He broke into a fit of laughter when you got jump scared by the crow scaring the female character in the movie. "Haha...very funny." you said sarcastically, as Lilia finally managed to calm down, wiping the tears from his eyes.

🦇Further into the movie, it is revealed the villain is an ancient bat like monster, which consumes the body parts of others, to regenerate parts he has lost. This was the first time you had seen Lilia looking so serious, appearing very upset with the actions the monster was doing, and all the deaths he had performed. The ending to the movie gave off an eerie feel to it as the monster survives and manages to kill one of the main characters. As the credits began to roll, you turned to look at Lilia, who appeared a bit upset, "Are you alright?" Lilia turned to you and gave a soft smile, "I'm alright..its just....wasn't expecting an ending like that, most of the movies I have come across the heroes survive and defeat the evil villain, yet this time, the villain wins." Your hand move to nestle against his hair, giving it a rub, "Its only a movie Lilia." Lilia nodded, but it was clear he was still a bit sad.

🦇Smirking to yourself, your hands reached for the couch pillow behind you, throwing it to hit against Lilia with a thud. "Wha-?" Lilia blinked in confusion as he peered at you, smiling wide at him. "PILLOW FIGHT!" Grabbing another pillow, you threw it at Lilia, which he caught with ease, smile revealing his little fangs, as he chuckled evilly. "Prepare yourself!" Lilia quickly vanished from your sight, appearing behind to hit you with the pillow. The pillow fight continued for a couple hours, the both you running around with pillows, ready to attack the other. Lilia had a bigger advantage, as he was very quick and his magic allowed him to teleport, making it easier for him to attack you. The both of you had ran into your bedroom, pillows at the ready, waiting for the other to strike. Raising it in the air, you gave one last hard throw to Lilia, before he vanishes again. He appears from above, hitting the pillow into your face, as both of your bodies land on the bed.

🦇"Kufufu~ I win!" He hovers above you, fanged smiled appearing on his face. Removing the pillow from your face, you gaze at him fondly, as you continued to lay on the bed. "Feeling better?" Lilia paused for a second, and then proceeded to laugh wholeheartedly. "Was that your little plan? Making me feel better with a little pillow fight?" He raised an eyebrow at you, moving closer to where his lips were almost touching. "Yeah." Lilia laughed at your innocent answer, moving to place a kiss on your cheek, before moving his head down to lay on your chest. "What an adorable human you are." Lilia nuzzled his head deeper into you, wrapping his arms around your back, pulling you closer.

🦇Wrapping your own hands around him, you pulled him in deeper, moving further up the bed, to have your head lay against the pillow. One of your hands toyed with the colored locks of his hair, earning a comforting hum from him. "I enjoyed doing this with you. Perhaps we can do this at Diasomnia with the others. I'm sure Malleus would be happy. Just hope Silver doesn't fall asleep through the movie." Lilia chuckled against you, lifting his head up to gaze at you with loving eyes, "Sounds like a plan." His head returned to your chest, and you felt his breathing slowed. Your hands continued to play with hair as you continued to hold onto each other, enjoying each others warmth. Little mini snores could be heard from Lilia as he had fallen asleep on top of you, as your eyes gazed down at him softly. "Good night Lilia." you said softly, as you placed your head down against the pillow, sleep consuming you as well.


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