Russian Doll

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He detached our tube floats, and I followed him down the river. He ate my leftovers. We are all abominations, but only you would choose to be a martyr...

The bunkers were all that remained of the island.  If there was anything outside of them, it was not for them to know. There was a bird that slipped into the room.

Playwrights often star in their own plays.

She knew why I chose the Death card...

"Isn't that death..."


Life is strange

no fun when the rabbit has the gun

he is bereaved.   he cut his hair like Zuko and Mulan.

 my ink, in name alone, moves the paper to turn.

No one was in the room where it happened. He veered toward the empty side of the movie theater and took the buttered popcorn with him. We were born on the same pride rock. Our mother had done her due diligence in licking our wounds into scar tissue. She started us off early on the bottle. I am not your prey. Nor am I a apex predator. Aren't you though? We stayed at the Sandcastle hotel, four years in a row. Never to step foot on the beach. He went first but he was still somewhat trailing behind me. I would rather you be a polite mouse than a fly on the wall.

power of probability - 21 movie. He runs his thumb over the yin of my thigh. they can smell the hope on me like blood in the water.

we search for the blood of a dragon to rejoin Bozo' Traveling Circus like the bottom-feeder imp I was. he had no respect for me or himself. the most extravagant demonstration at a Great Gatsby party did not reach our side of the dock. Mother told me that Mother knows best, but I theorized it was the IRS. Most nights my parents sang me to sleep with Amazing Grace, Silent Night, Here Comes the Sun, and the Itsy-Bitsy Spider. I sleep next to a copy of House of Leaves. When it is my time to go, I am more benevolent than ever to those I will leave behind.

Who sends a Dear John letter to a soldier on the frontline? Someone, who is scared to touch love with their bare hands. I waited at the stones for him to return. He came back, but not all the way. Victory was a trumpet call from failure or retreat.  Any hammer of justice rung by a hand that never shook mine was void.  The original timekeepers: COs and dead children. 

Who pillow-talks with their floor and hands? 

I was forever arriving late, even to my own funeral. the casket dropped before I ever did.

A large chair does not make a king. "Then what does? 

What are the names of your monkeys? It is" fe, fi, and fo-fom."

She threw everything that wasn't nailed down. 

I miss my cave....One could get used to the drip.

The days phase through me. I invited him to an orchestra and neither of us played an instrument.

Oh, to be Cain and Abel... The snake and the apple. They came to me with stories. A treatise on human consciousness. 

Adam is stuck in Hell now and if temptation can so easily tip him into his own set of horns, did Eve really have that much power? Leonard read his cell mates' letters from home to him. They never spoke outside of these brick-whispered exchanges. You didn't want to owe anybody behind these walls, least of all, your pretty face. 

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