Acquaintances? Friends?

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Before I know it, class is over, and it's lunch time. Hunter and I have never had much appetite, so we just drink the soft apple blood cartons, and sit at the end of a table, across from a younger kid and the girl Hunter sat next to in class. I figured we'd be sitting alone for lunch, but then.. Willow? Yeah, Willow. She scoots over next to me and starts talking. "You're the new kids, right?" Hunter somehow manages a nod, while I just sit, practically frozen. "Oh! Sorry, am I too close?" She says, scooting back, while I loosen up a tiny bit. "Thanks.." I squeak out. "Well, Gus and I," Willow gestures to the younger boy. "would like to know if we could be friends!" Hunter and I exchange a look, basically saying, 'be cautious'. "Uh.. sure?" He says, carefully. "Oh, loosen up! We're nice, I promise!" Gus says, practically foaming at the mouth to be acknowledged. "So.. we're acquaintances?" I question, quietly. "No, silly, friends!" Willow answers with a big but polite smile. "Oh.. okay. I guess that works." I respond, intrigued.

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