1. Shameful Letters- Idris

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6th of Autumn, 328 A.E.

Etroxlyn Palace, Breklin

The bug bite on Idris’ wrist was begging to be scratched, but she ignored the temptation as she tried to decide how she should finish her letter. She never realized just how complicated her relationship with her mother was until she couldn’t find a way to sign off. The Queen of Lathirya had simply signed her name at the bottom as if Idris had always known that name to be the face of someone kind. So why was Idris even considering adding an address of love that they didn’t share? 

When she noticed that her candle was more liquid than wax, she decided she’d spent too much time debating this. If she loved her mother, she would’ve already written so. Her handwriting was much darker than the rest of the letter as she wrote:

Please don’t contact me again, 


Frustrated, Idris threw her pen onto the desk and leaned back, finally giving in and scratching her wrist. The relief was temporary, and it only made the bite more irritable. She couldn’t wait for it to finally be winter so she wouldn’t have to deal with these damn mosquitoes. 

She mumbled to herself as she checked the clock above her. It was almost time for her to escort Miss Tanya to the Throne Hall for the morning. She'd have to wait to deliver it, but maybe she could sneak the letter in with the rest of Tanya’s work. The Etroxlyn Princess always took a trip to the post office on Fridays to deliver news to their various allies or to family outside of Breklin. 

Idris decided she'd try to send it then as she shoved the letter into an envelope. She used the wax from her almost dead candle to seal it, then stuffed it into her belt behind her back. For some reason, she felt like she was doing something wrong by contacting her mother. Not only that, but she was so ashamed of doing so that she would hide the fact from Tanya. She and the princess didn't keep secrets. . . 

It was just this once, Idris told herself. She laced up her boots, knotted her cloak, and locked her door before hurrying to meet her princess.

 The grand halls of the Etroxlyn Palace were even more sparkling than usual, as any hand available had spent the past two days scrubbing everything from top to bottom. The palace would be entertaining guests in just a matter of hours, and apparently they were guests the Empress wanted to impress. Idris passed numerous exhausted maids and servants who'd been working since the previous night. One such maid, Odera Tiri, saw Idris passing by and excitedly scrambled off her stool. She raced to Idris with a dirty rag in hand, practically jumping up and down as she called out to the champion. 

“Idris, Idris! You won’t believe the good news!” Odera squeaked. She wrung her rag so harshly that it started to rip. As long as Idris had known her, Odera was always full of too much energy. Sometimes she had to wonder if Odera and her mother, Lieutenant Tiri, were actually related. 

Idris gestured for Odera to walk with her, as she didn’t have time to dawdle in the hallways. 

“Oh, are you heading to see the princess? Let me accompany you- I could tell you both!” Odera suggested an even more aggressive spring in her step. 

It was with reluctance that Idris agreed. Odera was Tanya’s former handmaiden, so Idris supposed she had no room to object. They went to Tanya’s room together. The princess was standing in front of a floor length mirror with two seamstresses fussing about her when Idris let herself and Odera in. Idris had forgotten Tanya had a fitting scheduled for this morning. She was in the midst of being sized for an elegant gown that had a train almost as long as the width of the room. And the princess’ chambers were nothing short of spacious. 

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