4. Potato Sabotage ~ Adina

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7th of Autumn, 328 A.E.

Townsquare, Hayzian

Hayzian wasn't exactly a country. It wasn't a province. It was sort of just. . . there. At some point in Adina's grandfather's life, the region had been a part of the Etroxlyn Empire before Hayzian rebelled and fought for their secession as an independent territory. Adina wasn't sure the people of Hayzian at that time had actually expected to win, seeing as their system of trading was a mess, the border regulations were a complete joke, and there was no real leader.

If you asked the Waymark Clan, who resided in the west, Warren Waymark was the true leader of Hayzian as he had outwitted the former Emperor himself. If you asked the Sanhar Clan to the south, it was Aurelius Sanhar, as Hayzian had only won because of his grandfather. If you were stupid enough to ask the Fangborne clan to the north, it was Annamei Fangborne, a woman so courageous and beautiful some rumored she walked amongst gods (the rumors were started by the Fangborne Clan and no one believed someone so elegant could exist in Hayzian anyways). Should you venture to the east, the Banhera Clan would tell you fantastical tales of Emily Westwood that made her the sole sovereign of Hayzian. In the middle of east, south, north, and west, lay the fifth and final clan that made up the chaotic territory: The Amaris Clan.

Who did the Amaris Clan consider the true leader of Hayzian?

"Iora Khori," Maquer Eriana said fondly at dinner that night. He plopped a hearty mouthful of pork roast into his mouth and spoke as he chewed around it. "As fine a man as there ever was- then he had to go and get himself run over by a pregnant velox. Could you imagine a worse way to die?"

"Burning alive?" Adina suggested under her breath, but only Julian heard her. "So now the clan is not only brainless, but leaderless?" she asked her father, half joking, but mostly serious.

"Of course not," Maquer Eriana said with a glower. "His daughter has been preparing for seasons now to take over her father's role. Sure, he didn't die from old age, but it was going to happen any day given he was no spring chicken. I even went to school with his daughter- the beautiful Hylla Khori."

Madam Eriana scoffed as she picked around her plate.

"Only outmatched by my enchanting wife," Maquer Eriana assured with a wink. Will mimed gagging, although Adina wasn't sure it was mockery or not given the steamed carrots tasted rather rotten- which was strange, as her father had brought them fresh from the store along with the roast. Madam Eriana wasn't the best cook, but it was hard to make carrots taste sour.

"Dom was saying that Madam Khori won't outlast the autumn," Julian muttered. "I'm almost wondering if ol' Iora goaded that velox into trampling him so he didn't have to deal with this pitiful harvest season."

Their father scowled. "Don't go agreeing with that fool- those Banix kids were all dropped as infants, there's not a single thought between them."

This made Adina pause. "Dad. . . isn't Dominic in a wheelchair?"

"Proves my point, doesn't it?"

"Okay!" Madam Eriana said suddenly, jumping to her feet and clearing off the table by grabbing Mary and Will's plates first. "I think it's time you two went up to bed now."

"But we want to stay up with Dina," Mary whined while Will simply yawned.

"I didn't ask" was their mother's only reply. Sulking, Mary slid from her chair and started trudging up the stairs with Will at her heels. There were sounds of drawers opening and slamming, followed by bickering as to who was going to get into the washroom first.

"What do you mean by pitiful harvest? Bad crop season again?" Adina asked Julian as Madam Eriana went into the kitchen with their dishes.

Julian exchanged a nervous glance with Maquer Eriana, who gave a small shake of his head. "Nothing the Citadel Council can't handle," he answered for his son. "Hylla will be fine so long as she listens to her advisors- well advisor. Rest of them quit after Iora died."

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