The Wailing Widow's Demise ~ Idris

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7th of Autumn, 328 A.E.

Vaundyn City, Breklin

Prince Dnari turned out to be rather soft spoken despite his mountainous stature. Idris had to keep herself from smirking every time Tanya had to ask him to repeat what he had said over the noise of the festival. She had to admit that his Avaloran accent was surprisingly attractive, but it also did not help Tanya's situation.

There were many spectacles to behold as the night went on. The Incendian guests held the majority of everyone's attention as they demonstrated their capabilities with fire, telling stories with shapes from the flames they manipulated like clay and setting off booming fireworks into the sky. The Noctura who had arrived with Sage Arcaya were taking commissions to take kids on short flights through the city, and everyone now and then a giggling seven-year-old would come zooming past them in a flash of blue feathers. Breklin's own residents had set up over fifty food stalls with cuisine from various regions, each path along the festival resulting in a different, intoxicating smell of a lavish meal. Their real contribution to the festival would be held shortly, which was The Unsung Martyrs play that Odera Diri was more excited for then anybody.

She had run into Tanya and Idris during her dress rehearsal at the start of the festival. As she had promised, she looked alarmingly unlike herself costumed in a shredded black dress with a sheer white veil covering her heavily makeup-ed face. She reassured Tanya and Idris that she was about to get colored contacts from the stage director that would make her eyes look like an empty socket, to which Tanya only replied with a disturbed and concerned smile. Their run-in with Odera had at least given her and Prince Dnari something to talk about.

"What is the Unsung Martyrs?" he asked as they watched a line of actors bustle through the crowd before their show began.

Tanya's eyes lit up at the topic, and she started describing it to him eagerly. Theater and literature were two of Tanya's loves, and she seemed grateful for something to discuss she knew too much about.

"It's based off of the Thirteen Tragedies poem- have you not heard of it? Oh, Your Highness, do they not have entertainment where you hail from?" she laughed, but it was quickly stifled as she realized that might've been insulting.

The Arisian Prince only chuckled, and he shook his head. "My mother believes that works of fiction are a waste of time. I grew up with books about history, I'm ashamed to say."

"History is just as riveting! The poem was written anonymously centuries ago, but there's a legend that the Father Demon Attais wrote it himself." She went on to explain how the poem wove into complex parts of their history, and, amidst the fireworks, Idris was certain Dnari was only hearing about half of what she said, but he listened politely nonetheless.

"Do you know the poem?" he asked kindly. It was blatant he couldn't care, but he wanted Tanya to keep talking, as she had been avoiding doing so for the majority of the festival.

"Not by heart," Tanya laughed with a nervous glance at Idris. The princess not only knew the poem by heart, but she had a poster of it handwritten by a calligrapher from Arvon taped above her bed. "They read the poem before every play, so you'll hear it then."

After the topic died out, it became quiet again. Idris wished she could chime in and save her princess from the awkwardness, but she had yet to speak a word to prince Dnari. And she wanted to keep it that way. She was finding it hard to have respect for a man twice the age of Tanya attempting to take her away from her home, even if it wasn't his idea.

Despite Tanya's proclamation that today would be her last meeting with her secret love, Quinn the horologist, Idris hadn't seen him since they're silent encounter in the Etroxlyn Palace. She was starting to wonder if Tanya had met him before then. Under Rewen's supervision, it couldn't have been difficult for the princess to sneak out to see him.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18 ⏰

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