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Isn't it funny? Love.
Love is funny.
It's weird to think that somewhere in this gigantic world the love of our life, the one we are going to marry is out there... doing God knows what.
It's funny to think about that fact that we may have already meet them, we just don't know it. Or the fact that they might be on the other side or the continent or world. There is 7.125 billion people out there and one of them is our soulmate.
Maybe I'm just crazy... Maybe I'm thinking way to far into this but it's hard not too when you look around and see all your friends happily talking to guys and flirting. But just think about it, somewhere out there the man or women of your dreams is doing something and you haven't met them yet.

xx Alexis xx
(P.S. If you have meet them or you think you've meet them then congratulations and I wish you a life full of happiness together)

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