Blood Mage

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Chapter 0003: Ransomware

In the solemn atmosphere of the trial hall, a bald middle-aged man suddenly stood up, his rich voice echoing among the marble walls.

He is a member of the trial team, and his tone is decisive: "The loser loseseverything, this is fate. But today you have set a dangerous precedent. The Shafiq family voluntarily surrendered, but in exchange for a broken bone
Deprivation like marrow!”

Kaine Shafiq set his sights on the man.
This man has a stout figure, a red nose, and a few scattered strands of hair that cannot cover his bald head, making him look a bit slovenly.

But his words were sonorous and powerful, and he was not afraid of authority: "From now on, no thug will choose to surrender. The next war will be even more cruel and bloody."

As soon as these words came out, there was silence in the trial hall, as if time had frozen.

Balazs Crowe's face suddenly turned livid. He waved the gavel in his hand and roared: "George Harrison, you are an alarmist! This is a court, not a place for you to preach pessimistic views!"

However, Harrison did not flinch. He slowly took out a dirty handkerchief, blew his conspicuous red nose, and said disdainfully: "I know, I know, I just hurt your face."
He glanced at the surrounding inquisitors and continued: "Who is really unlucky in the Wizarding War? It's not you people who are above you, but the ordinary wizards who are treated as cannon fodder by you. They have nowhere to escape in the war.
, No matter which side you are on, the pain and sacrifice of the war will always be on them, and you will only benefit from the power struggle after the war."
Crowe nearly smashed the gavel into pieces, furious.
However, Harrison still looked relaxed. He smiled sarcastically and said: "Okay, I admit my mistake. I said some things that have nothing to do with your trial. Therefore, I decided to resign as a judge and never return to the post. This will satisfy you
Is that enough, Judge?"

Crowe gasped in anger, but was unable to argue.
In the end, he could only clear his throat and control his emotions with difficulty: "Okay, now let's vote on the confiscation and identification of suspected black magic in the inheritance of the Shafiq family and the Fangli family."
Although Harrison spoke up and resigned in protest, this did not change the situation.
The resolution was still passed, and various harsh judgments were also approved one after another.
This comes as no surprise to Kane.
He watched all this calmly, knowing in his heart that only a few heartfelt words could not suppress the greed of these powerful people.
By now, the mask has been torn. If they don't continue to implement it, they will not only gain no benefits, but also lose face.
Crowe and the forces he represents will obviously not show weakness at this time.
The sentence given to Stanlo Shafiq was, simply put, "heinous."
However, because he was not the first offender and voluntarily surrendered, his guilt was reduced, but the fine and atonement were extremely harsh.
The final result is: confiscate your home!
Kane's mother, Catherine Shafiq, was born into the Fanley family, whose ancestral home was located deep in the Exmoor Forest in Devon, southern Britain.
At one time, the Fonley family's lands covered almost all of Exmoor.
However, as the family declined, they had to continue to shrink their sphere of influence.
Today, less than ten acres of the Fang Li family’s secret space remain.
Some people may think that four hectares of land is not that small.
However, in this vast forest, this bit of land is just a drop in the ocean.
All that was left of the once lush family territory was a lonely hilltop mansion.
The bluestone steps are overgrown with weeds, and the road leading to the mansion has long been neglected.
At this moment, two wizards responsible for carrying out the confiscation task were walking slowly along the side of this dilapidated mansion, chatting.
"Look at the buildings over there. Although they are in disrepair, you can still see the glory of the past. The seventeenth-century Baroque style is definitely the work of a master." Vincent praised.
Ruben shrugged, seeming not to care: "What I value more is this land. This place is great, secret, cool, and can be used as our hidden base. The roads in the national park are also well built, and ordinary people can wear them."
People’s clothes won’t attract attention when walking here.”

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