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Ummm hi.

Well i felt bad that I've never written a story before, so i decided to. I read ALOT of One Direction fanfictions, and call me a fake direcioner if you want, because i dont have their faces plastered all over my walls and talk about them 24/7, but im not really a directioner anyway. Im more like a fan. But its seems like people are really into one direction fanfictions, so I thought i should write one(:

Well before I begin, since this is my first story i thought i woud tell you a little bit about myself. c:

My name is Jenny. Im almost 14 >.< I have long, wavy, light brown hair that reaches my waist & I have green eyes & I play piano, & Im a dancer, & I sing a little. This is my first fanfiction. I. HATE. SCHOOL. Okay yeah thats its. ill start the story now lol. 



*Mackenzie's P.O.V.*

My name is Mackenzie Kate. Dancing is my life. I was born to dance, its the only thing thats good in my life. Well ever since he left, it is. If your wondering who he is, well keep listening cause ill explain that later. I live with my mom in an appartent in New York City. I have an older sister named Ashley, but she moved out last year, right after she finished High School. I dont blame her. I would move out too, if i could. But since I still have one more year of High School before I can move out, Im stuck living in the shitty apartment with my depressed mom. Let me tell you a little about my family. My mom is a alcoholic. She never pays any attention to me, and when my sister was here she never paid any attention to her. The only reason we are still living here is because i have a job and i pay the rent for this appartment. My dad? I havnt seen him since i was 14, when he left us. He just walked out one day, without a word. But im glad he did. He was a jerk. He would beat me, my sister, and my mom. He wasnt always like that, in fact we used to be a very close family. Going on Vactions, playing at the park, doing eveything together as a family. Then when i was around 13, he started acting differnt. He would be coming home very late, we wouldn't hang out as a family anymore, and it was hard on me and my sister, because we needed a father in our life. Then he started drinking. Then the fights started. He and my mom, screaming at eachother till 3 in the morning, and me and my sister hudled up in her room, crying and listening. It scared us, a lot, we wernt used to this. Then the beating started. At first it would just be shoving us out of the way, or slapping us when we did something wrong, but it got worse. My sister got it the worst. He dad would beat her, and make we and my mother watch. It was a living nightmare. My mother would have to hold me back from running up to her, because she knew if i went to help her, we would beat me too. I still dont know why he hurt my sister the most, and not me. Our lives were hell. That went on for about half a year. Then a few months before i turned 14, everything started to get better. He stopped beating us, and stopped drinking everynight. The fights stopped. Everything went back to normal, sort of. We wernt the same, we didnt have the special family bond we did before, but we were making progress. And of corse, with him acting like a normal father all of a sudden, my mother forgave him and fall back in love with him. I will never forgive him. So thats how our lives were, for about 4 months. Then one day, he just left. Literally he just walked out the door, and we never saw him agian.


I was sitting at the table doing homework. My sister was helping my mother cook diner. My dad was upstairs, doing "stuff for work" and it was just a normal night in our family. I remember how good the dinner smelt.

"Mom, what are you making?"

"Well your sister learned a new recipe in cooking today at school," she replied with a smile "and we are trying to make it, and its turning out lovely."

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