The death of the king part IV

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The three guards and Casper Glanced at the shining box of golden mystery as it opened the whole room flashed white for a few moments.When the room returned to its golden form all that was there was a old tattered peace of paper.The first guard picked it up from the box of gold 

"It reads" the first guard raised his voice "Dear reader or to ever whom may concern, this letter contains the information of who of my children may raise to rule my empire,The child that I have chosen will be Richard but alas if he has passed away already or has been responsible for a death of a member of the royal family then the next monarch shall be my only daughter Rose, for I understand my eldest son Casper shall be disappointed but I have come to believe that Rose will be a very worthy Queen of this land.I expect that she shall be far better than I but do not treat her as if she was any woman, treat her as if you would treat a male monarch for she shall be a legionary monarch and will be remembered for many thousands of years yet to come." there was a extremely long silence. After fifteen minuets Casper broke the silence "But she's still merely a child!SURELY this is some mistake FOR I AM THE RIGHTFUL HEIR TO THE THRONE!I could put up with Richard being there before me but ROSE!?!?Of ALL the people he could have picked he chose ROSE?!?!?!"The three guards looked at each other and agreed that Rose was an inappropriate choice but it was the kings wish's so the three walk back to the castle as Casper held the will with in the palm of his hand.It soon turned into a fist of rage then he merely dropped it on to the floor as it were nothing and stormed after the three guards.


"Morning?Already?It must have all been an bad dream,"Richard thought to himself as he woke up he saw that he was in a huge dim room with many cobwebs.He had seen only one window from the unreasonably uncountable and ridiculously small bed "DAM IT!" He shouted at the top of his lungs as he punched the wall with all his anger and sadness.The guards and the people no longer trust him and without a drought Casper will have been crowned king by now and will be re-writing every single law to suite himself but no-one would know that they were for himself for he is far too wise to let anyone else know his selfish schemes.Richard walked across the room to the tower window.He looked down to see Rose reading her book in the garden siting in her favorite tree on her favorite branch which goes over the river  she seemed to love to sit there always with her book or just to see her own view from her own place.He began to sigh, he wished he could be out there doing what he normally dose, fencing with the guards, teaching what he knew to Rose,being yelled at by Casper but now he had lost everything he ever knew,his whole world had died and all Richard could do was watch it fall into its pain and sorrow.He started to cry, he had wished he wasn't there that night, he had wished he had never stormed in there to slap his own brother, he had wished he had just gone to bed.But no, this was now to be his destiny.To die alone....with no-one to be there for you, no-one to tell you that it will be alright, no-one to to wipe away the tears that you weep, and no-one to help you for when you cry a most painful cry it may echo through millions of lands and no-one would hear you and even if they did no-one would care.Through now at lest you could get some peace and quite for once with time to think by yourself, alone but Richard hoped that this was not to be forever.But just at that moment the door unlocked itself and swung open and there was a serving boy ready to give Richard his food.

"Err....Hello my name is Edward,er...I have your food."Richard could see that Edward was shivering in fear of him.Edward placed the bowl of leftovers on the floor and began to back away but Richard stopped him from doing so. "Wait!Ed, do you mind if I call you that?But anyway I didn't kill the King!!!I found him dead you have to believe me!!!"Richard had a tearful face and a look of true Edward believed him. "Then who may I ask killed the king?"Edward asked out of curiosity.   So he explained to Edward what had happen over the past year and what had happened the night before and Edward believed every word of it of what he had said. Then the pair of them walked towards the tower window and saw Princess Rose and Edwards younger sister sitting in the tree together talking to each other.


Rose was sitting in the gardens sitting in the grand apple tree,it was very high and difficult to climb but the view from the top of it was her favorite spot in the whole garden she looked down at her book and began to read her a poem aloud because there was no one else within sight.

"Now the sun sets behind this place," but before she could continue she was in irrupted by a serving girl 

"It makes me sad to see thy face. " Then the pair of them looked at each other and said together "Now the sun sets beneath the tree, It makes me sad for thy son and thee." the two girls burst into lather and after they stopped Rose asked "How do you know that?"Then the girl answered "Well I often hear you reading this poem aloud and I love the way you read so I memorised it."Then Rose asked for the girl to join her in the tree and she did as she was told. "so what your name, after all you must have one." The girl instantly replied "My name is Valentina, I work in the gardens with my father while my brother works in the kitchens with my mother." Rose nodded politely for she did not know what to say then she asked "Do you know Little Jack Horner? " Valentina gleamed with joy "It's one of my favorites!!!" The pair of them sang together "Little Jack Horner sat in the corner eating his Chistmas pie, He put in his thumb and pulled out a plum and said what a good boy am I!!!!"The pair again burst out into lather again.


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