Late night drama

97 3 28

Bonnie : toothless
Nita : obsessed bear kid nr 1🧸🐻
Leon : lollipop lover 🍭🍬
Gus: spooky boy 👻🎈
Jessie : Jess the builder 👷‍♀️
Edgar: Emo boy👎❤️‍🩹🖤
Janet : rocket girl🚀💓🌺
Penny : I don't use my phone.
Sandy: please give bro a sleep schedule🙏😭

toothless: N1TA⭐️!!

obsessed bear kid nr 1🧸🐻: hOuH...?

toothless: 1 tH1Ng itZ t1m3 four Slo3p😴

please give bro a sleep schedule🙏😭: Did someone say sleep? ;))

Emo boy👎❤️‍🩹🖤: Shut the fuck up. People here are trying to sleep.

*rocket girl🚀💓🌺 went online.*

rocket girl🚀💓🌺: That just means he likes you ;) Also, Edgar doesn't sleep. Look at his enormous eye bags.

Emo boy👎❤️‍🩹🖤: Janet, KYS. No one likes you. I'm gonna leave.

rocket girl🚀💓🌺: Damn, relax. It's not that serious.

please give bro a sleep schedule🙏😭: I never knew you were like this.

Emo boy👎❤️‍🩹🖤: Like what, huh? -.-

please give bro a sleep schedule🙏😭 went offline.

Emo boy👎❤️‍🩹🖤: What the fuck?

rocket girl🚀💓🌺: He's probably asleep or his phone died. 😒

spooky boy 👻🎈 goes online.

spooky boy 👻🎈: Is anyone still online? :D

rocket girl🚀💓🌺: Why are you not with Leon? Did something happen??

spooky boy 👻🎈: No, not really haha. He, well, uhm... just fell asleep on FaceTime...? That was actually really funny.

Emo boy👎❤️‍🩹🖤: Whatever.

spooky boy 👻🎈: What's wrong with Edgar...? Why is he extra grumpy today?

Emo boy👎❤️‍🩹🖤: I'm really not. It's just that no one wants to hear about you and your gay-ass boyfriend all the time. Like, we get it, you guys are in love. Just confess and stop being so annoying.

*spooky boy 👻🎈 went offline.*

rocket girl🚀💓🌺: You have got to be kidding me right now. I understand why you're grumpy and mad, but why did you have to take this out on Gus? He's just a poor, innocent child. You really didn't have to do this.

Emo boy👎❤️‍🩹🖤: Sigh. Can we discuss this in private?

rocket girl🚀💓🌺: You are SO lucky that you're my friend, Ed.

Emo boy👎❤️‍🩹🖤: Whatever. 😒

(Private Chat)

Emo boy👎❤️‍🩹🖤: I still don't think that what I did was wrong.

rocket girl🚀💓🌺: That explains why your crush doesn't like you.

Emo boy👎❤️‍🩹🖤: I don't have a crush on Sandy.

rocket girl🚀💓🌺: Woah there, I never said you did? 😊

Emo boy👎❤️‍🩹🖤: I know, I was just confirming it. 😐

rocket girl🚀💓🌺: Very optimistic, I see!!

(Back in the Group Chat)

please give bro a sleep schedule🙏😭 goes online.

please give bro a sleep schedule🙏😭: Did I miss something? My phone died

rocket girl🚀💓🌺: You have no idea. Edgar just scared Gus off.

please give bro a sleep schedule🙏😭: Seriously? Dude, what did you do this time?

Emo boy👎❤️‍🩹🖤: I just said what needed to be said. Everyone's always coddling him.

please give bro a sleep schedule🙏😭: Bro, there's a difference between being honest and just being mean. Gus is super sensitive. You know that.

rocket girl🚀💓🌺:, you need to chill, Edgar. We all know you've got your issues, but that doesn't mean you can take them out on everyone else.

Emo boy👎❤️‍🩹🖤: Whatever. I just don't want to keep hearing about Leon this, Leon that. It's annoying. No one cares about his so-called 'best friend' when he's clearly in denial about having a crush on him.

please give bro a sleep schedule🙏😭: You could've just said that in a nicer way instead of going off like that. Now Gus is probably feeling terrible.

rocket girl🚀💓🌺: You need to apologize, Edgar. Gus didn't deserve that, and you know it.

Emo boy👎❤️‍🩹🖤: Fine. I'll text him.

please give bro a sleep schedule🙏😭: Good. I'm going back to bed. This drama is too much for me right now.

*please give bro a sleep schedule🙏😭 went offline.*

rocket girl🚀💓🌺: Just make sure you actually apologize and not just send some half-hearted message.

Emo boy👎❤️‍🩹🖤: I said I will. Can we drop it now?

rocket girl🚀💓🌺: Only if you promise to work on not being such a jerk all the time.

Emo boy👎❤️‍🩹🖤: Yeah, yeah. I'll try.

*Emo boy👎❤️‍🩹🖤 went offline.*

rocket girl🚀💓🌺: Sigh. Why do I even bother?

*spooky boy 👻🎈 went online.*

spooky boy 👻🎈: Janet?

rocket girl🚀💓🌺: Gus! Are you okay?

spooky boy 👻🎈: Um... yeah, I'm okay... sorry for leaving earlier...

rocket girl🚀💓🌺: You don't need to apologize. Edgar was out of line.

spooky boy 👻🎈: Um... it's fine... I know he didn't mean it...

rocket girl🚀💓🌺: You're too forgiving, Gus. Seriously. But just so you know, Edgar's supposed to apologize to you. So, if he doesn't, let me know, okay?

spooky boy 👻🎈: Um... okay... thanks, Janet... you're a good friend...

rocket girl🚀💓🌺: So are you, Gus. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

spooky boy 👻🎈: Um... I won't... goodnight, Janet...

rocket girl🚀💓🌺: Goodnight, Gus.

*spooky boy 👻🎈 went offline.*

rocket girl🚀💓🌺: What a night...

*rocket girl🚀💓🌺 went offline.*

A/N guys no one can make me hate Edgar 😔🙏 he will get character development trustt Ik that bullying kids is kind of embarrassing 😭😭

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