Chapter 7

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Elliot's POV

The warmth of Lena's body beside me was like a rare, fleeting dream. I held onto it as long as I could, savoring every second before the cold, harsh light of reality seeped back in. Her skin was soft under my lips as I kissed her arm, and for a moment, it felt like everything was exactly where it needed to be.

But that moment was as fragile as a soap bubble, destined to pop the second I stepped outside. I had to get my head back in the game. The stakes were higher than ever—£100,000 on the line—and I couldn't afford to lose. Not now, not with everything that was riding on this match. The money wasn't just for me; it was a lifeline, a way out of the mess my father had left behind.

"Good morning, beautiful," I whispered, my voice barely above a murmur. It felt too tender, too real, and I hated that it meant something.

"Good morning," she replied, her eyes still heavy with sleep, her smile soft and genuine. I could see the trust in her eyes, the contentment, and it twisted something deep in my chest.

I forced myself to smile back, to keep things light, but the weight of what was coming pressed down on me like a vice. We shared a few more minutes of quiet conversation, her laughter a balm to the tension coiling inside me. But I knew it couldn't last.

I tossed her a hoodie and a pair of sweatpants—mine, oversized on her. She looked adorable, the fabric swallowing her small frame, and for a split second, I let myself imagine a world where I didn't have to pull away. Where I didn't have to be this cold, detached version of myself. But that world didn't exist. Not for me.

"Ready to go?" I asked, grabbing my bag, the words sounding hollow even to me.

She nodded, her eyes bright and trusting. "Yeah, let's head out."

The walk to school was easy, the banter effortless, but inside, I was already shifting gears. I knew I was going to hurt her today, and that knowledge sat like a stone in my gut. When we got to school, I felt the change happen like a switch being flipped. I hardened myself, pushed her out of my mind, and focused on the fight ahead.

I reached my locker, and the weight of the day settled on my shoulders.  My mind was consumed with the thoughts of the match tonight. I needed to be ruthless, to shut out every distraction, every emotion, if I wanted to survive in the ring.

"Hey, Elliot, wait up!" Lena called after me, her voice cutting through the fog in my mind.

I stopped, bracing myself before turning to face her. She looked confused, and concerned, and I hated that I had to do this. "I'm busy. I've got a lot on my plate today."

The hurt in her eyes was like a knife to the gut, but I couldn't let her see how much it affected me. "What's going on? You were so different this morning."

I clenched my jaw, forcing the words out. "I can't get distracted right now. I have to focus. Just... give me some space."

Her face fell, and for a moment, I almost caved. But I couldn't afford to. I had to protect myself, protect her from what I was about to become. I turned away, forcing myself to walk toward my next class. Each step felt like I was leaving a piece of myself behind, but I had no choice. The match tonight was everything. If I lost, I wasn't the only one who would pay the price.

Lena's POV

The memory of last night felt like a cruel joke as I watched Elliot walk away, his demeanor cold and distant. I didn't understand how he could go from being so sweet and warm to this in the span of a few hours. It was like he'd put up a wall, and I was suddenly on the outside again, left in the cold.

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