Ouran High School Date Club Chapter 13

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*Everyone takes their seat at the dinner table*

Kyouya: Well as you all have been waiting our special guests are old friends of ours.

Hikaru and Kaoru: *Gasp* No it cant be!

Kyouya: You can come in now.

*Haruhi, Mitskuni, and Takshi enter the room*

Haruhi and Honey: Hello Everyone!

Kamika: *Thinks to self: Oh no this must be Haruhi!*

Tamaki: *Freezes* Haruhi what are you doing here?

Haruhi: Kyouya invited me.. I hope you dont mind my being here.

Hikaru: *Thinks to himself: Crap why did he invite her here?!*

Kyouya: Well dont be so rude, say hello at least.

Haruhi: *sits down uncomfortably*

Honey: Well me and Takshi are off to bed cause we're sleepy! Goodnight everyone we'll see you tomorrow!

Everyone: Goodnight

Karariri: I dont mean to be rude and all but I dont think I can stomach this dinner. I'll just be going before

my big mouth gets me into trouble * gets up* It really was a pleasure to meet you Fujioka.

Haruhi: Mrs. Hibari please do not leave on my account... If I bother you just say so.

Karariri: What? No of course you dont! Im just not hungry at the moment.

Kyouya: Karariri please sit.

Karariri: *glares at him* Dont you dare tell me what to do. *Pushes up her glasses* Now if you'll excuse me, I

will be going to sleep.

Kyouya: But-

Karariri: *raises her hand to silence him and leaves the room*

Kamika: Yeah, me too! *runs to catch up to her*

Kiyoko: So tell us Haruhi how is it at Lobelia?

Hikaru and Kaoru: Yes, we would all really like to know!

Haruhi: Its great now that you mention it. I will be the star in the next play you should all go see it!

Tamaki: They havent changed you have they?

Haruhi: No im still me no one can change that. *Takes a sip from her drink* Im just happy to be able to go there

They say im as good as my mother which makes me happy.

Hikaru and Kaoru: And what about your father?

Haruhi: He's fine thanks for asking.

Hikaru and Kaoru: Tell him we said hey



Kamika: why would Kyouya do something like that?

Karariri: What is it that he did? He only invited her.

Kamika: But he ruined my vacation with Hikaru, now he's gonna want to be with her for the rest of the time.

Karariri: No he's not he likes you not her so stop worrying.

Kamika: Well why are you so calm? Kyouya and Haruhi were pretty close back then. I heard Tamaki even caught

her in Kyouya's room and the lights were out. What makes you think that wont happen now?

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