Ouran High School Date Club Chapter 28

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Hikaru and Kaoru: Say boss when are we going to start preparations for the Fair?

Tamaki: That sure is odd, they havent announced it yet.

*Date club enters the room*

Hitomi: And they arent going to this year!

Tamaki: There's not going to be a fair this year?! Why not?!

Kamika and Kiyoko: You see we went to "Uncle Suou" and asked him if we could do something a little different this year! It saves money too.

Kyouya: *looks up* And what exactly is this marvelous idea?

Karariri: Prom! *kisses his cheek*

Tsukishiro: What's the theme?

P. Ayanokuji: There's a theme?

Karariri: Good question. What's the theme King?

Hitomi: WE havent thought of that yet!

Hikaru, Kaoru Kamika and Kiyoko:  Let's make it a comicon theme!

Kamika and Kiyoko: we get to dress up like video game characters!

Karariri: *stops writting in her book and looks up* Kyouya?

Kyouya: Yes?

Karariri: I still need one last picture for my scrapbook.

Hitomi: That's an amazing theme! "One Last Picture For My Scrapbook!" Because prom is the last memory you get from High school! I love it! Amazing idea Karariri.

Karariri: Ummm... Thanks?

Hikaru and Kaoru: *hold back laughter* Scrapbooking huh Karariri?

Karariri: Shut. Up. *aggravation*

Hikaru and Kaoru: It just doesnt seem like something the queen of mean and all things horrible would wanna do. Seems too sweet and girly *shrug*

Kyouya: The queen of what? *death glare*

Hikaru and Kaoru: *nervous* Um um nothing! The queen of adorable and all things sweet!

Kyouya: *kisses her cheek* Yes she is *smiles*

All Twins: Ewww *yuck face*

Kyouya: Karariri Yami Hibari? *gets on one knee and kisses her hand*

Karariri: *blushes* Yes Kyouya?

Kyouya: Would you please.. *holds the black box in his pocket*.... *sighs and sets it down* Go to the Prom with me?

Karariri: Awww *giggles* Of course I wanna go with you Kyouya *smiles*

Kamika and Kiyoko: Soooo old fashioned!

Hikaru and Kaoru: Kamika! Kiyoko! Will you go with us to the prom!? *hand them orange and blue flowers*

Kamika and Kiyoko: awww of course!

Karariri: Yes because that wasn't old fashioned. Oh wait a second! You cant go to prom you're not seniors!

All twins: B-but!

Karariri: Sorry you guys. Those are the rules *laughs*

Kyouya: Just ignore them my love *holds her hands in his* now lets go get you a dress *pecks her on the lips*

Karariri: *giggles* You know how I am about my expenses.

Kyouya: Please dont be like this. Just let me buy you something for once *laughs*

Karariri: No way!

Kyouya: Well then I wonder what you're gonna say when  I-... Nevermind.

Karariri: no tell me!

Kyouya: You'll find out soon enough *smiles as they walk out the door*


-Later At Karariri and Hitomi's Apartment!-

Hitomi: *folds her  clothes and puts them in her suitcase* Alright superstar. You leave right after the prom shindig is over with. *sighs as she looks at a picture of her and Karariri* You. Bestfriend. The person that was and has always been there for me... I think i'm going to miss you the most... *places it inside her suitcase* Tamaki.... I hope you'll be alright. I couldn't bring myself to tell you I was going to be in a broadway musical... I didn't wanna see you hurt. I love you. I really do. *wipes her eyes* Now if only I could say that to him in person...

Karariri: *steps inside her room* Everything alright King? *smiles*

Hitomi: K-Karariri! How long have you been there?! 

Karariri: *hugs her* Long enough to hear everything that pertained to myself *smirks* So I'm your favorite huh?

Hitomi: Sh-shut up squire!

Karariri: Oh I'm going to miss you so much *wipes her eyes and hugs her tighter* We've been such great friends for so long... I'm sad to see you leave.

Hitomi: I'm going to be in New York though! Maybe you can stop by and see me!

Karariri: *smiles* Well in that case I probably will... I'm going to Julia's School Of The Arts in New York! Maybe we can share an apartment in the big city too!

Hitomi: Sounds like a plan partner in crime!

Karariri: You pinky promise?! *five year old voice*

Hitomi: *laughs* I pinky swear!~ *hooks pinkies*

Karariri: *smiles* Just like old times.

Hitomi: *sings* Cause we are sisters! We stand together! *laughs*

Karariri: *sings* We make each other strong and that aint ever gonna change!

Both: We used to watch that movie together all the time

Karariri: *looks at her smiling*

Hitomi: *looks at her smiling too*

Karariri: Here I'll help you pack. *folds clothes and sets inside suitcase*

Hitomi: Wait! *covers her face*

Karariri: *eyeswiden* you kept Kiyoko's presents?!

Hitomi: Sh-shutup! *blushes*

Karariri: *laughs*  It's alright I don't judge! *pats her head* Now come here *puts her arm around her and gets out camera* Let's take one more picture!

Hitomi: *smiles* Of course squire!~ *sparkles*

Karariri: *smiles and takes the picture*

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