Mr. Park's blessing

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Based on the song "Rude by Mag!c"

It was a crisp Saturday morning, and the air was cool but full of potential. Jennie Kim stood in front of her mirror, pulling on her best suit—black, sleek, and tailored just for this occasion. Her heart raced in her chest as she ran through the plan in her mind. This was it: the day she'd take a step forward with Rosie, aka Roseanne Park. But first, she had a hurdle to cross—Rosie’s dad, Mr. Park. A stern man, religious and traditional, Jennie had been nervous about this moment ever since she first thought of proposing.

No turning back now.

She grabbed her keys before heading out the door and slipped into her car. The engine roared to life, and she pressed the gas pedal a little too hard, nerves fueling her small body. Jennie raced like a jet down the streets, the trees blurring past her, her mind locked on a single thing: get to Rosie's parents' house. Ask for Mr. Park's blessing.

It wasn’t long before she pulled up to the familiar house, the one she'd spent countless evenings at, laughing with Rosie in the backyard, sneaking kisses when they thought no one was watching. Jennie climbed out of her car, standing in front of the door with her heart in her hand, metaphorically and literally—Rosie had stolen it long ago. And now she wanted to make it official.

She knocked on the door, hands trembling slightly, and it swung open. Mrs. Park smiled warmly, unaware of the nervousness on Jennie's face. "Jennie, dear! Come in, come in!"

Jennie stepped inside, her shoes tapping against the floor as she followed Mrs. Park to the living room. There, on the couch, sat Mr. Park. He looked up from the newspaper, his stern gaze locking onto hers. Jennie's throat tightened, but she straightened her shoulders. She had rehearsed this over and over in her head, and she wasn’t planning to back down now.

"Mr. Park," Jennie began, standing in front of him with an air of determination. "There's something really important I need to talk to you about." She cleared her throat. "I want to ask for your blessing. For Rosie and me. I love her, and I want to spend the rest of my life with her. Will you give me your approval?"

Mr. Park’s expression remained unreadable, his eyes cold as he folded his hands on his lap. After what felt like an eternity, he spoke. "Jennie, I know what you're asking. But I'm telling you right now, you won't get my blessing."

Jennie blinked, caught off guard by the bluntness of his words. But she wasn’t about to give up so easily. "But... why? I mean, Rosie and I, we’re happy. We love each other. I don’t understand."

Mr. Park sighed, his gaze hardened. "It's not about whether you're happy. It's about principles and values. Rosie deserves a future that aligns with our beliefs. And what you're asking for... it doesn't."

Jennie's heart clenched, but she tried to stay calm. "I understand you have your beliefs, Mr. Park. I really do. But I promise, I will take care of her, cherish her, and build a life with her that’s filled with love. Isn’t that what matters most?"

He shook his head, unmoved. "Love isn’t enough in this world, Jennie. You may think it is, but it’s not. And my answer is no. You can’t marry her."

Jennie's frustration started to rise. She could feel her composure slipping. "So that's it? Just because our love doesn’t fit into what you believe, you’re saying no?"

Mr. Park didn’t flinch. "That’s exactly what I’m saying."

Jennie ran a hand through her hair as she tried to gather her thoughts. "But Rosie and I... we’ve been together for years. You know how much we mean to each other. You’ve seen it. How can you say no when you’ve seen how happy she is with me?"

Mr. Park’s voice lowered, cold and final. "Jennie, happiness isn’t everything. My answer is still no."

Jennie felt a wave of frustration wash over her. She looked at his eyes directly, her voice steadier now but firm. "I know you think this isn’t enough, that somehow what Rosie and I have isn’t what you envisioned for her. But you don’t get to decide who she loves or how we live our lives. We’re adults, and we’ve built something real together."

Mr. Park’s eyes narrowed slightly. "You're stubborn, I'll give you that. But you’ll never get my blessing, Kim. Not today, not ever."

Jennie took a deep breath, feeling the weight of his words but refusing to let them affect her. "I respect you, Mr. Park. I do. But if you can’t give us your blessing, then we’ll move forward without it. I’m going to marry your daughter—whether you approve or not. Because I love her, and she loves me. And that's enough for us."

The silence between them grew thick and tense. Mr. Park’s jaw tightened, but Jennie wasn’t backing down. She had made her choice.

"You’ll regret this," Mr. Park said, his voice low, almost warning.

Jennie shook her head, a small, sad smile tugging at her lips. "No, I won’t. And neither will Rosie."

With that, Jennie turned on her heel and walked out of the house, her heart pounding but her resolve stronger than ever. She knew there would be challenges ahead, but nothing could make her give up on her love.

She was going to marry Rosie. No matter what anyone said.


I hope you like it ⁠✧

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