The barista

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Based on the character I roleplayed with lol.

Rosie walked into the bustling coffee shop with her friends, Jisoo, Lisa, and Joy, the sound of conversation and clinking coffee cups filling the air. The atmosphere was warm and cozy, with exposed brick walls and soft lighting that created an inviting ambiance. The smell of freshly ground coffee beans lingered in the air, mixing with the scent of baked goods.

Rosie had heard whispers about this place. It was a hotspot for the LGBTQ+ community, a place where people could be themselves without fear of judgment. It wasn't the reason they'd come here today, but Rosie couldn't help but feel curious. She wondered what it might be like to see that side of the world, something she never really thought about until now.

"You think we'll actually get coffee this time, or will Joy just eat all the pastries again?" Lisa teased, nudging Joy as they joined the queue.

"Hey, I happen to like my carbs, thank you very much," Joy said with mock offense, flipping her hair dramatically as she glanced at the glass display filled with croissants, muffins, and other delicious treats.

"Carbs? More like a bakery's worth of bread," Jisoo chimed in with a laugh.

Rosie chuckled along with her friends, but her mind wasn't fully in the conversation. Instead, she found herself scanning the shop's interior. Most of the tables were filled with people chatting-some couples, others groups of friends like them-all seeming to enjoy the lively yet relaxed energy of the place.

The line moved forward, and it was finally their turn to order. Rosie stepped up to the counter, ready to ask for her usual latte when she froze. Her eyes landed on the barista standing behind the register, and suddenly, her mind went blank.

The girl behind the counter was stunning. She had sharp, feline-like eyes, soft waves of dark hair that framed her face perfectly, and lips curved in a small, unreadable smile. Her nametag read 'Jennie' in neat, block letters.

For a moment, Rosie felt like the air had been sucked out of the room. Her heart started beating faster in her chest, her stomach twisting with a strange feeling she couldn't quite name. The girl's beauty was undeniable, but it wasn't just that. Something about her presence, the way she looked so effortlessly cool, made Rosie's skin tingle.

Jennie looked up at Rosie expectantly, and Rosie realized she'd been staring far too long.

"Uh, sorry... um, I'll have a latte, please. And, uh, the matcha cookie," Rosie managed to stammer out, her voice embarrassingly shaky.

Jennie smiled softly, tapping the order into the register. "Coming right up. Anything else for you?"

Rosie shook her head quickly, feeling her face grow hot. As she stepped aside to let her friends order, she couldn't stop the strange flutter in her chest. It was like something had shifted inside her, and she didn't know why.

Her friends ordered without a hitch, Joy insisting on a pile of pastries while Jisoo rolled her eyes and Lisa snickered under her breath. Once they'd all grabbed their drinks, they found a cozy spot near the window and sat down. Rosie, still dazed, set her cup on the table but didn't take a sip. Instead, her eyes kept drifting back toward the counter, where Jennie was busy making more drinks for other customers.

"She's so pretty," Rosie mumbled to herself, her gaze still glued to Jennie's graceful movements as she worked behind the bar.

Jisoo, Lisa, and Joy all looked at her, eyebrows raised.

"What was that, Rosie?" Jisoo asked, leaning forward with a knowing smirk. "Did you just say someone was pretty?"

Rosie blinked, realizing she had spoken out loud. "Wait-I-No! I mean... I didn't mean it like that!" Her face turned an even deeper shade of red as she fumbled over her words.

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