Start of a Dark Era's End

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Meanwhile, in the Dear Lucks Engineering Inc. headquarters, Jason and William were tied up in Julia's office, gagged. They tried to scream for help, but in vain, as Julia threatened them to whack them with a chair if they didn't remain silent. She then explained the reason why she captured the duo.

"So you two decided to work with that woman in hopes of putting an end to Mr. Klinston and our plan of starving people to death for our economy, huh? Well, guess what? Unfortunately for you, we are a big company, we are rich! We can't let our plans be ruined by some riot! Segregation are our benefits! It makes people starve to death for our own profit!" Julia told them as she laughed.

-"You're a monster, Julia. You and your boss Mr. Klinston are not allowed to be so cruel like this. Like seriously, using the Second Great Depression as a means of boosting your company with the cost of people starving to death? You all are so cruel and disrespectful to victims of the Segregation!" William said in anger.

-"Oh yeah?" Julia chuckled. "Well, try escaping, I dare you. We have surveillance everywhere in our company, thanks to brillant director Owen Klinston!"

-"We'll see about that!" William said as he and Jason discussed about an escape plan.

Back with Isabelle, she searched around the town to find Jason and William, but to no avail. However, it wouldn't take long for her to realize where they were taken to, as a newspaper from a few days ago was found in her apartement, hidden under the bed, mentioning a company called Dear Lucks Engineering Inc. founded in 1956 by Mr. Klinston.

"Wait a minute..." Julia noticed. "This company... I think I remember it from a few years ago..."

She then had memories of that company from the past. In 1963, Mr. Klinston fired her for being a black person, which made her lose a lot of money due to the fact that back then, jobs were very limited to black people as segregation was still going on. Since then, she had a grudge against the company for such mistreatement.

Once she remembered those memories, she directly knew that the company was the one holding both her friends hostage in their headquarters. After gearing up for battle, she rushed out of the apartement and searched around the town for Dear Lucks Engineering Inc.

It wasn't that easy though, as she had to take buses to travel around, which was restricted to both white and black people more severely than back in 1955 with Rosa Parks, much to Isabelle's confusion. But nonetheless, she managed to reach the entrance of the headquarters.

She then took out a suppressed M1911 and shot down two of Klinston's guards that were guarding the entrance and entered the building. She then encountered an elevator that led to three floors, with Mr. Klinston's office indicated to be on the highest floor.

But to enter the elevator, she had to get a keycard, due to Owen improving the security of his company. Luckily for her, one of the two guards she shot had a keycard that fell out of his pocket. She then picked it up and used it to gain access to the elevator, where she went to the third floor.

Once on the third floor, however, she was noticed by Julia, who was expecting her arrival. She yelled for security to apprehend her, but Isabelle, now determined to get vengeance on the company for having her fired due to her skin color, took out two UZIs and shot down all of Julia's guards, also hitting Julia's leg. Injured, Julia managed to flee despite her wounded leg.

After Julia ran away, Isabelle used the keycard to unlock the door to her officer, where she finds both Jason and William captive. She frees the two, only for Julia to come back and bash Isabelle in the back of the head. Finally at her mercy, she calls Mr. Klinston about Isabelle's presence within the building. Now informed that his former employee returned without his consent, Mr. Klinston ordered his secretary to put a bullet in Isabelle's head so he wouldn't have to see her face ever again. Julia then grabbed Isabelle by the throat and aimed a Desert Eagle in her mouth.

Jason and William, not wanting to see Isabelle die, immediately attacked her to save Isabelle, making Julia drop her gun on the floor. A fight started between the three as punches and kicks were getting more and more intense. Eventually, the duo emerged victorious as Julia was crouching in pain. Coughing blood, she congratulated their courage, but mentioned that she was not going to give up easily. Taking her Desert Eagle back, she aimed it at Isabelle.

"Hehehe... Mr. Klinston wouldn't appreciate the mess you caused, Isabelle. As a former employee of this company, why don't I make you clean this mess up?" Julia said as she was about to kill Isabelle, only for the latter to take out her M1911 again and shot Julia four times in the throat and face, killing her instantly.

Isabelle took a deep breath, proud to finally have the upper hand against the company, as she mentioned:

"This... is what you deserve for your cruel business, Julia."

Jason and William then hugged Isabelle, thanking her for saving them from Klinston's secretary, but now, they had to face Mr. Klinston himself, and to defeat him, they needed to have his only protection, being his own company, be raided by the riot they were preparing to form.

At this point, Owen Klinston finally encountered Isabelle face to face.

"Ah, my dear Isabelle... My former employee, what made you come back here? Did you want to see me even if I fired you for being a colored person? Well, well, well... I think you learned about my economic plan, did you?" Owen greeted her.

-"Yeah. I did. And guess what? It's over, Owen. Your business will come to an end right here, right now. All those people you starved to death with the Second Great Depression. All of them... I will avenge them all. Me and my friends had enough of your company. And so, we are unleashing a riot against you to have it shut down so people will have equal rights again!"

-"Pfft. What are you gonna do against me, Isabelle? My company has very high security measures against those who mess with my business. Don't you wanna see them?"

Owen then activated the alarm as many of his men surrounded the trio, but as they were about to kill them, they were distracted by Isabelle, who threw a smoke bomb around them. Owen was annoyed by such trick and ordered his men to go after them.

Reaching the outside the building, Isabelle called everyone in the town for a speech.

"Today, people of the United States, we are gathered here to initiate a riot against a company who's been making profit from our low incomes during this Second Great Depression!  This company tried to starve us all to death to make more money! Are we really gonna let them achieve such cruel goal? ABSOLUTELY NOT! WE HAVE HUMAN RIGHTS! AND TOGETHER, WE WILL MAKE THE UNITED STATES GREAT AGAIN! WHO'S WITH ME!"

Hearing such a powerful speech, the crowd cheered and supported Isabelle's idea. They started to arm themselves with pitchforks and several weapons, with Isabelle, Jason and William gathering their firearms, now ready to start the riot against Dear Lucks Engineering Inc.

Will they succeed in taking down Owen Klinston and his company? Or will the riot fail and Isabelle suffer the segregation for the rest of her life and people will die of starvation? Find out in the next chapter...

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