United States, Ultraverse, 1968
-----------------------------------------April 4th, Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated by a man named James Earl Ray. Segregation continued from onwards, eventually causing the Second Great Depression. People were losing their job and only earned very low income, sending the town into poverty.
In Pennsylvania, a girl named Isabelle Kerthson was down on her luck, she only earned $5 as income from her job, which did not allow her to buy sufficent ressources for her home. But then, she had a brilliant idea: Proclaim the end of the Second Great Depression by initiating a riot.
It would not be an easy task though, as due to the death of King, segregation became even worse than it was, and she was a colored person so if she wanted to put an end to the Second Great Depression and segregation as a whole, she would need the strength and bravery to gather as much people as she could to initiate a riot and successfully bring the civil rights back to normal.
Meanwhile, a man named Owen Klinston, a rich entrepreneur and owner of a company known as Dear Lucks Engineering Inc., learned of the Second Great Depression and thinks of using it as a way to gain money through exploiting the town's low incomes and leave people starve to death while he and his company become a worldwide engineering success.
However, he would notice that a black woman started to protest against the Second Great Depression, wanting to put an end to it once and for all. Seeing this as a threat to his business, he decides to contact his secretary, Julia Edith, to send his employees on search for Isabelle and put her down.
"Julia, my fellow secretary, this woman is a threat to my business. I am using the low income of people in the United States in order for my company to succeed. I have founded this company 20 years ago and I do not want a simple black woman ruining everything! My company is a success and will ALWAYS be!" He said while smoking on his desk.
- "Yes, Mr. Klinston. I'm sending some employees right away." Julia answered as she left the office.
- "Good. This company will go on forever, even without paying any taxes, as I am rich entrepreneur who does engineering for everyone during this period, even if it involves exploiting incomes and leave people starving to death!"
Back with Isabelle, she met a few friends, William and Jason.
"Um, hey?" Isabelle greeted them.
-"Oh, hi Isabelle! How's your day?" Jason happily asked.
-"Well, pretty good. I'd need you to do something."
-"Oh, what is it, Isabelle?" William replied.
-"You know how it's currently the Second Great Depression?"
-"Yeah, why?" Jason wondered.
-"Well, we'll have to put an end to this era, end segregation once and for all, and civil rights shall be brought back to peace!"
-"Amazing idea, Isabelle! This will finally allow us high incomes to come back!"
William and Jason were happy with the idea, as segregation has went for too many years, and said that Martin Luther King tried to restore civil rights, but as he was assassinated, life became worse for the colored people.
"There's no time to waste, we better get going before we potentially get caught by a possible enemy." Isabelle declared as they went on their way to start the riot so civil rights could be restored.
Unbeknownst to them, Julia, Klinston's secretary, was spying on them with her men behind a nearby house. She then silently followed the trio as her men gathered around the town, holding rifles in their hands to hold several black people hostage and steal their food and belongings to follow Klinston's plan of starvation and profit.
Back to the trio, they manage to reach an apartement, but as expected from the segregation era and Isabelle being a colored woman, she was forced to enter the apartement by herself as white people were not authorized in it, much to the disappointement of William and Jason.
In the apartement, Isabella took a paper and a pen and walked to a desk, writing a list of plans to form the riot successfully and, subsequently, put an end to segregation once and for all.
Unfortunately for Isabelle, Julia and her men ambushed William and Jason and knocked them out with the butt of their rifles, taking them away.
"Alright, first, i'll rally some of the population, white and colored, together in one group. Second, i'll go to the White House give permission from the president to be able to form an operation, which I deem as "Operation End of Racism". Isabelle mentioned as she wrote the list on her paper.
Once she finished writing the paper, she returned to where William and Jason were waiting for her, only to find out that they might have been kidnapped while she was writing out her plan in the apartement. She then went on a quest to get them back from whoever was behind their capture.

Ultraverse: Spirit of Bravery
PertualanganIn 1968, the United States were in a state of shock after Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated. The Second Great Depression had begun, making people lose their jobs and earn low income from them. This adventure follows a girl named Isabelle Kerth...