A Date?

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Mia closed her exam booklet and placed the cap back on her pen. She collected her things and made a beeline to the teacher's table and dropped her exam booklet on her table. She quietly made her way out making sure not to disturb the other students who were still taking the exams.

Closing the door behind her, Mia smiled and took a deep breath. She smelled freedom. She had just completed her last exam for the first semester. Her school break had officially started.

" Mia! " Marga screamed as she ran to her from the other side of the hall.

Mia watched as Marga squirmed and squeezed through the throng of students rushing through the hallway. Marga was an inch shorter than she was but it didn't make walking past the excited maze of students any easier.

" School's out! " she gushed when she finally reached her. " Now, we can partyyyy!"

Mia laughed. She liked the sound of that. It had been a grueling week of exams and deadlines. She was ready to have some fun.

" So, what's happening tonight? "

Marga eyes gleamed as she enumerated some of the parties happening tonight in campus.

The days following the last day of exams were filled with all sorts of parties hosted by the different school organizations. It was apparently a tradition marking the beginning of the three week semestral break.

" Hi Mia, " Marga's chatter was interrupted by Jason whom Mia thought came out of nowhere. Not that she was surprised, he'd been popping practically everywhere. " Hi Marga."

" Hi Jason, " Mia returned the greeting. Marga didn't respond and just looked at Jason silently.

" All done with exams? " he asked smilingly as he showed off his pearly white teeth.

" I think it's obvious, " Marga smirked and Mia gave her a stern look. It didn't take a genius to figure out that Marga was not really fond of Jason.

Mia nodded. " Yeah, all finished. " she said as the three of them started walking towards the main building's front steps. They stopped at one side getting out of the way of students who were rushing up and down.

" Anyway, " Jason said as he shifted his books on his other hand. " I was wondering if you're free tonight. There's this party happening at the frat house and-"

" She's not free, " Marga interrupted answering for Mia.

Jason averted his gaze at her, an annoyed look on his face. It wasn't hard to guess that he disliked Marga the same way she disliked him.

" I'm not really asking you, Marga, " he said in an irritated voice.

" Well she's not free, " Marga said airily as she checked her nails.

Jason decided to ignore her and looked at Mia again. " So, how about it, Mia? "

Mia started wracking her brain for something to say. She didn't exactly dislike Jason. After Marco's warning, she decided to avoid Jason altogether. He had always been nice to her but there was something about him that she could not put her fingers into.

" I can pick you up at 8, if you want " Jason continued looking at her expectantly.

Mia glanced at Marga who seem to be holding her breath for her answer. " Jason, I-"

" She can't, " a voice from behind her said. She didn't need to turn to know who it was. She knew that voice anywhere. And that intoxicating smell.

" She's my date tonight."

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