Morning After

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She felt someone pulled the covers off her head. Even with her eyes closed, she could feel the sunrays touched her face. Then she heard buzzing sounds, like bees whispering to her ears, calling her name.

" Mia! "

She groaned and buried her face on the pillow when she heard Melissa's voice.

" Rise & shine, princess! "


Was that her best friend? What was she doing in her house? Why was she in her room?

With a start, she sat up and that's when she felt the throbbing in her head.

" Oooowww," she moaned as she clutched the back of her head.

" Easy, Ms. Drunkard, " Melissa said as she reached over her side table and gave her a glass of water. " Here. "

Mia realized how parched her mouth felt. She felt like she hasn't drunk anything in ages. She reached for it greedily and finished the tall glass.

She gave it back to her sister and that's when she saw Melissa and Marga sprawled at the corners of her bed looking at her in amusement.

" What are you doing here? " she gawked at Marga who looked so fresh in her pale yellow tank top and white shorts.

" You went out on a date with the hottest guy on campus and got home very very drunk, then you ask me what am I doing here? " Marga shook her in amusement. " The question should be, what happened to the two of you last night?"

Mia's eyes widened when snippets of last night's events flashed through her eyes. 

" Ohmigod! " she gasped placing her hands on her mouth.

The sudden movement made her head pound that she winced.

" Don't tell me you slept with Robby! " Melissa exclaimed when she saw her horrified expression.

" That wouldn't be too bad, " Marga grinned eyeing her best friend curiously.

" Of course not! " Mia looked at the two of them in disbelief and shook her head vigorously making her world spin .

She hated hangovers. She was never ever going to drink again.

" Here, " Melissa said as she reached for a pillow and placed it behind Mia so she can lean comfortably against the bed rest.

" Now, " Marga leaned towards her. " We want to know what happened. From the time that he picked you up until the time that you passed out."

" I passed out? " Mia echoed incredulously trying to recall everything that happened in the party, especially towards the later part of the evening.

" You didn't exactly walk through our front door last night, " Melissa told her. " Robby had to carry you to your room."

Mia groaned as she covered her face with her hands. " oh no, " she muttered.

How was she going to face Robby after everything that had happened? She knew she had too much to drink. Angela's presence and her cold treatment made her want to drink to calm her nerves. She should have stopped when her world had started spinning. But she was having so much fun by then that she didn't want to stop. She couldn't remember everything that had happened last night. Her last memory was seeing Robby and Angela argue and then Robby took her shot of Tequila in one gulp. Everything went black after that.

" So what happened? " Melissa prodded.

Mia looked at their expecting faces not knowing what to say. " Well, " she began. " The party was quite packed. And everything was great and...Anna kept on giving me drinks...and I think I had a little too much to drink."

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