It's Now or Never

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He said he was sorry.


He said he was sorry for everything?


By everything, what exactly does he mean?


Was he saying sorry again for that almost kiss? Damn him! He didn't need to make her feel stupid all over again for thinking that he liked her!


Ok, breathe in, breathe out. He said he was sorry for everything. So don't over react again!


Was he saying sorry for all those times that they've hanged out too? Because he didn't want to lead her on? He sure had been giving her mixed signals the past weeks! Was that why he was saying sorry again and again?


Damn him!!! Why couldn't he just say it? Why couldn't he just tell her that no, he's not into her so she must not get any crazy ideas? Why does he act so nice all the time?


And he did ask her out on a date! Why would he spend so much time with her if he doesn't like her? He went out of his way for her several times. It must mean something! Doesn't it? DOESN'T IT?


Shit. Shit. Shit. Why is he doing this??? Damn him!


That's it! Enough of this stupid game.

Mia's eyes flew open and she could feel her shoulders shaking in fury. She had it!

" You're sorry for everything?! " She said incredulously. " Damn it, Robby! Stop playing with my feelings! " She said angrily as she pushed Robby away who seem surprised with her sudden outburst.

" What are you talking about? " Robby started to move closer to her again but she placed a hand to stop him. " I'm not playing with your feelings."

" My god, Robby! Can't you see what you're doing to me? " She threw her hands up in frustration and started talking before she lost her nerve. " I'm this rollercoaster of emotions because I can't figure out why you're being so nice to me all the time! One minute, you act as if you like me - more than just Marco's sister. And the next moment, you go cold and drop me like I'm some kind of a disease. In case you haven't noticed, I am practically throwing myself at you! And it's a slap to my face every time you take a step backwards. "

Mia knew she will regret her words afterwards but she had already bared her soul to him. She was not going to stop now. Robby needed to hear everything that she has to say.

" So can you just stop apologizing for that almost kiss? " Mia continued furiously. " It's my fault that I assumed you like me more than just a sister but you don't have to keep rubbing it in face. And I get it now. I read way beyond your actions - and I shouldn't have. My bad, alright? "

She was shaking in anger and frustration. She can feel her face flaming with embarrassment, but to hell with it.

" I must be crazy to like you considering that Marco's going to flip if he ever finds out. And I must be insane to even think that you like me too. " She went on, her face flaming. " But please save me from more embarrassment and just make it easy for me. Let's just pretend that this conversation had never happened so we can both move on with our lives. "

Mia tried ignoring Robby's shock expression. He didn't say anything and continued to stare at her with those piercing eyes.

Damn him for making her feel this way. Damn him for making her bare her soul to him.

Mia could feel tears welling up her eyes. She swallowed the lump in her throat and balled her fist to fight back the tears. She was not going to cry. Not in front of him. She swore she was going to catch the next bus available. There was no way on earth she's staying in that house with him after that outburst.

Leave. Get out of there.

Without waiting for an answer, Mia spun around before Robby could see the first drop of tears and marched towards her room.

There was no way that she will let him see her cry. But tears were furiously rolling down her cheeks by the time her hand gripped the door knob.

To her utter horror, she felt someone grab her gently forcing her to turn around. She would have fought him if she had the energy but the confession drained the energy out of her.

" Mia, " Robby said softly.

His arms were locked on hers but she wouldn't look at him. She was staring at the floor and she could see fat tears falling on the marble tiles.

There was no way he could miss that, she thought miserably.

" Let go of me, " she managed to croak.

" Look at me, "

She didn't. She will not let him see her cry.

" Please look at me, Mia, " Robby said in a gentler tone this time. " Please. "

She didn't want to. She didn't want him to see her in tears. She didn't want him to see the hurt in her eyes. But what choice did she have? He already knew.

So with the little dignity that she had left, Mia lifted her eyes to meet his.

" Is this what you want to see? " Mia choked out angrily as she wiped her tears with the back of her hand.

" No, " Robby said in a soft voice as he looked at her with a pained expression on his face.

" You want to see how much I'm hurting? You want to see me cry over you? You want-"

Before she could finish talking, she felt Robby's mouth crashed on hers, her lips being enveloped in the most earth shattering kiss Mia had ever have.

She felt Robby's hand on her chin as he tilted her head upwards to give him more access to her lips. The kiss was everything Mia hoped it would be had that kiss on the beach happened.

Robby's lips were soft and gentle. The kiss started out sweet and breathtaking that it made Mia's head spin. Her heart was hammering against her chest when she felt their kiss deepening. It suddenly felt more passionate. She felt him coaxing her mouth open and when she did, his tongue explored her mouth. Mia had to close her eyes as she felt shivers ran up her spine.

She had been kissed before. But not like this.

There were fireworks going on in her head. Her heart felt like it was going to explode.

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