1 - Custer

19 1 3

Content warning:swears

Kanao walked through the school building, she tried to keep on her usual smile and gentle face, but it was difficult, the teachers gave her a hard time for all morning. Firstly, the math teacher brought back the tests and Kanao didn't go as well as she expected.

Then, the art teacher insisted that her panting wasn't "flashy" enough and that she had to redo it again. Then the music teacher who talked all lesson and didn't shut up for a second, then the P.E. teacher making them run at least 10 laps.

As if that wasn't enough, the chemistry teacher gave them a pop quiz, and Kanao was sure that it didn't go that well, luckily now she had her after school activities with her volleyball teacher.

Genya's day went a bit better than Kanao's, firstly he had biology, which meant he basically chilled for an hour since Miss Kocho was chill. Then he had art with Kanao, and his painting was considered very "flashy", whatever that meant.

He was supposed to have music with Kanao, but instead he skipped and instead talked with his friend, Muichiro, they didn't feel like going to class. With the P.E. teacher, Mr Tomioka, it was like drinking a cup of water, Genya had a strong body build, so it wasn't a problem for him running.

Now, lucky for him too, he had the archery club activities. He walked out of his classroom and then met Kanao, walking through halls to the gym, he reached her and began walking with her. They weren't exactly the talking type, especially Kanao, while Genya was more chill.

"How's your day been?" Genya tried to start a conversation, even though he was just as awkward as Kanao. The girl stayed quiet for a moment, then she answered "could've been better" she said, Genya gave an understanding nod "how was music today?" He asked.

Kanao shrugged, "boring" she simply said, it was difficult continuing a conversation, but maybe it was better this way, after all the silence didn't bother either of them, it was actually more comfortable than talking. And so they fell into silence.

Usually if the others were there they would've screamed and talked really loudly, but just the two of them, in silence, alone, it was comfortable, and even comforting, Kanao enjoyed some peace and quiet after such a stressful day.

Kanao arrived to the gym, she turned around and gave Genya a small wave, Genya waved back "see you later" Genya said as he walked away. As much as Kanao wanted to be in his company, she got inside, that's when she figured out she was late to the team activities.

It was like today everything was going wrong, first the teachers, now volleyball practice, it was all so tiring. During practice she kept messing up the exercises, it was starting to get to her, making her feel angry and upset.

After an hour of practice everything was finally over, she could finally go and relax while she waited for her friends to finished their activities. She got out of the school, and in the distance she saw Genya on a bench, he had his ear phones in and was playing games on his phone.

She went to him and sat down next to him, she was visibly tired, and clearly upset. Genya understood perfectly how she felt, so he took one of his ear phones out and gave it to Kanao, offering her to listen to some music to relax, Kanao smiled at him and grabbed the ear phone.

Genya grabbed his phone and opened Spotify, then he gave Kanao the phone "put whatever you want" he said, looking away kinda embarrassed, he tried to sound rough, but he was actually a big softie, and Kanao knew that. "Thank you" she quietly thanked him.

She put Custer on, she was angry, sure, usually rock or metal helped her calm down, and right now she needed to calm down. Genya was surprised when the song started, he could recognize the song immediately, it always surprised him when Kanao would put such songs, her gentle aura didn't make her seem like the type to like metal.

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