《Flames of fury 》

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After leaving school, Jungkook
drove towards his so called house still seething from the morning's confrontation with his father. The old hag's constant belittling and disdain had become unbearable. Jungkook couldn't understand  how his mother had endured such treatment for so long. The thought of being near his father, inhaling the same air, felt suffocating.

As he approached a turn, his phone pierced the air with an urgent ring. He glanced at the screen - it was Yoongi. Without hesitation, Jungkook answered, his tone cold and detached. "Hello, hyung?"

"Jungkook, it's important. We've found a clue," Yoongi said, his voice laced with urgency.

Jungkook's grip on the wheel tightened. This was it for him to understand what he needed. "Okay," he replied curtly, ending the call.

He took a sharp turn, diverting his route towards the headquarters.

Jungkook's anger simmered like a pot left to boil, his mind consumed by the mysterious figure known only as "V". Who was this person, daring to challenge him, to taunt him with cryptic messages and vanish into thin air? The lack of clues, the absence of evidence, only fueled Jungkook's frustration. He felt like a predator stalking its prey, only to find the trail gone cold.

But then, Yoongi's call had ignited a spark of hope. They had found something, a thread to tug on, a lead to pursue. Jungkook's foot pressed down on the accelerator, the speedometer climbing as he devoured the distance to the headquarters. His thoughts raced with possibilities, his mind a maze of questions and theories.

As he sped through the streets, the city lights blurring together, Jungkook's determination solidified. He would uncover V's identity, unravel the mystery, and claim victory. The thrill of the chase coursed through his veins like adrenaline, his heart pounding in anticipation.




As Jungkook entered the hall, the room fell silent, with all eyes on him. The air was electric with anticipation, and the scent of determination hung heavy. With a swift glance, he took in the scene: his team, scattered across the room, pouring over documents, typing away on laptops, and engaging in hushed conversations.

acknowledging his presence , everyone stopped the work they were doing , they bowed to him in respect . Jungkook as always with a cold face nodded his head .He knew their respect wasn't solely due to his family name or his father's influence; it was earned, a testament to his own tireless efforts and unwavering dedication.

His smirk grew, a hint of pride and satisfaction creeping in. He had built this team, forged these bonds, and together, they would uncover the truth behind every challenge.

With a nod, Jungkook began to weave through the room, his presence drawing team members to him like a magnet. "What do we have?" he asked, his voice low and even, yet commanding attention.

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