Chapter 11: Destroy The Bandits

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3rd POV:

Next Morning Later.

When Ozpin who sat on the chair by himself and make him just watching the Breaking New about the White Fang base was been destroyed in there and all of the single one of the terrorists were been destroys and nothing left alive. Then Ozpin was sigh out and he gladly that he seen (Y/N) was been side with Ozpin and he know (Y/N) would kill him and his servants will...because they know how to fight and kills...they are the heroic histories who was been battling in the wars where they going.

Ozpin: "Hmmm...seems Mr. Wade become better." He said to himself.

Glynda: "What do we do now, Ozpin?" She asked him.

Ozpin: "Well, why don't we take a relax that let (Y/N) doing this?" He asked her and make her nod her head and then they both heard the doors opened out and make the two professors taken surprises for what they saw Blake was angry and march over here and she slam her hands down on the table.

Ozpin: "Is there I can help you, Ms. Belladonna?" He asked her.

Blake: "Where is he?" She asked him.

Ozpin: "Who?" He asked her.

Blake: "Ghost!!!! I know that you are helping him! But why?!? Why did you help this murderer and along with his servants?!? They're the one who kill the white fang!!!!!!" She said to him and make the headmaster sigh and he said.

Ozpin: "Blake, I know you are mad...that he is doing the right thing to make the world is better because the killing won't stop...White Fang just kill many innocent human beings out there and the village. Then Mr. Wade is put the madness end here and that's all you really need to now." He said to her.

Blake: "But don't you understand?!? They're misguided!!!!! They make their mistakes that they don't want to hurt anyone else!!!!!" She said to him.

Ozpin: "Blake, you know that you are part of White Fang before then you betrayed...and why are you here then? Hide your own past? Tell me if you are in the White Fang member and does that make you feel to see that they are misguided?" He asked her and make her take a silent and he told her again.

Ozpin: "Ms. Belladonna...the war and battlefield is here...only Mr. Wade can put the madness end here once and for all...there will be no bloodshed killing." He said to her and make her silent and she couldn't take an anger out toward to (Y/N) and the servants that they doing their jobs to protecting the innocent people in this world. Then RWY were showing up here and they tries to stop Blake for what she's doing and the three of them heard the argument comes from the headmaster and her as well...cause they both heard the fight and they want to figure out what's going on.

Ozpin give the girls with an explanation and Glynda was watch at them and she decide not to interfere them about it and she knew Ozpin can handle this by himself and then Glynda turn her head to look outside from the window and she seen the mountain over there and she thought herself.

Glynda: "*Who or what exactly are the servants?*" She thought herself.

Time Skip Later.

Back to (Y/N).

When (Y/N) was open firing his submachine gun Uzi at the enemies who were tries to fight him and then (Y/N) shooting 5 of them with the weapon and they didn't know what's coming for them.

When (Y/N) was open firing his submachine gun Uzi at the enemies who were tries to fight him and then (Y/N) shooting 5 of them with the weapon and they didn't know what's coming for them

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