Will he get better though..?

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this story part talks about alcohol and Mentions of skipping meals and talking about meals
"Omg Marjorie what is that on your finger"
"Oh this? It's um."
"MARJORIE What is it"
"We was going to tell you..
"MARJORIE he isn't okay right now!!"
"He asked me!!"
"Was he drunk?!"
"Yes? What has that got to do with anything?"
"Marjorie seriously go over to him and put it right!!"
Marjorie heads over to his place of work with tears in her eyes she wasn't thinking clearly and her vision started to go foggy she carried on driving and just ignored it
She got to Reece's nursery and walked into his office Reece looks up at her with a drunk look in his eye
"H- hey are you okay marj" Reece says while his words are slurring Marjorie looks up at him and just takes of the ring.. and says nothing tears forming more and more in her eyes her mascara rolling down her face as she tries not to cry, she walks out and says "I'll explain back at home when your more sober."
She walks out of the office to see Carly walking up to her Marjorie wipes her tears and says "hello Carly my darling you okay my love?" Carly looks at her with a smile and says  "Yeah I'm okay Marjorie how are you you look tired."
"I'm okay just getting back to my nursery now bye my darling"
"Okay!!" Marjorie leaves the nursery she has to stop and sit because her vision goes blurry again she just pops on her glasses and goes. 15 minutes later Marjorie gets back to the office. She turns to autumn and shows autumn her hand "there you happy?"
"Marjorie I-" Marjorie turns away from her and taps away at her desk. Feeling awful autumn turns to her and leans in for a hug Marjorie looks at her then realises the tears coming out of her eyes.
"Autumn are you okay?"
"I just don't want him getting hurt again like last year"
"Autumn you know I would never hurt Reece I love him and want to spend the rest of my life with him"
"Yes Marjorie I know it's just I can't stand to see him like this it reminds me of.. my father. What he was like growing up I don't want Reece to turn into that."
"I understand but im not going anywhere"
"Oh okay. Well I'm going to write a letter to my beautiful husband"
"Okay my darling you do that"  they sit in silence for the next hour "right Marjorie I'm going to- Marjorie? Marjorie wake up. MARJORIE!!!"  Marjorie slowly wakes up and screams "ahh what" 
"god Marjorie! Don't do that you scared me! Anyway! As I was saying I'm going to get lunch now would you like anything?"  Marjorie looks at herself   "Um I'm okay thank you autumn" "Marjorie are you okay?"
"What- oh yeah I'm okay my darling just not hungry"
5 minutes after autumn leaves Reece enters Marjorie's office. "Marj?" Marjorie looks up and smiles "hello Reece"
"I wrote you this" Marjorie smiles and says "okay I'll give it a read, how did you get here?" Reece looks out the window and says "I walked."
"Well let me drive you back"
Marjorie drives Reece back

(The car ride to Reece's)
"Why did you give me my ring back? I want to marry you."
"Reece. It's not you it's just I feel you were just drunk and didn't know if what you was saying was true"
"But I love you. I really love you"
"Reece so do I okay but maybe when your not drunk and know what your actually feeling so if we're out if you really want to marry me (Marjorie looks down) then you can do it when your sober"
"Note taken"
"I love you"
"I love you too Marjorie"
Marjorie gets back to the nursery and starts to read Reece's hand written letter

Marjorie oh Marjorie
The love we have is amazing
And I don't want to lose that
But I am losing myself and it's not you
You're amazing but I can't keep doing this when you have my ring back it broke me into a million peace's I hope you can forgive me for whatever I have done because I really love you and don't want our love to end here's a little poem to show my love

I seem to have loved
you In numberless forms
Numberless times,
In life after life
In age after age
Forever and ever my love
is strong for you 
Anyway I hope you like this poem and I hope you cherish it forever

Tears form in Marjorie's eyes while reading this beautiful poem autumn comes back into the room and sees Marjorie crying "marjorie are you okay?"
"Yes I'm fine, can I go home please?"
"Of course you can I hope everything is okay with you.." Marjorie calls up Reece and says "I'm outside do you wanna come home?"
"Yeah let me grab my jacket I left yesterday"
"Okay darling" reece gets into the car and they drive home

(Back at there house)
"Reece look"-
"I love you"
"I love you too look as I was saying-"
"Marjorie stop stop stop okay I don't care I just love you okay let's just go have a nap"
"Okay let's go" Marjorie gets into some comfy bed clothes and falls to sleep on the bed suddenly a knock at the door  Marjorie wakes up "it's okay princess stay in bed I'll get it" Marjorie nods
Reece opens the door to see autumn
"What are you doing here?"
"I came to check on Marjorie. She was quite upset today she also didn't eat. So please check on her for me I'm- I'm worried."
"Yeah I'll check on her I think she's okay but I'll check we're having a nap at the moment tho
Glass suddenly smash's from there room direction  Reece looks at Aut with a look on his face "autumn.. what was that.."
"maybe... glass?"
"Oh god... MARJORIE?!"

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