9 : is this love?

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Phuwin pov:

It was the next morning I got up from bed and showered then dressed up to go to college after breakfast

I went down and saw them in the kitchen
I sat down beside fourth as always

Him and Gemini were extra close today

Dunk: what's up with you both (Gemini and fourth)

Fourth: huh what do you mean

Dunk: you guys are extra close today

Gemini: why? Can't I be close to my boyfriend

I choked on my water
Dunk patted my back

Phuwin: oi gem teach me your ways

Dunk: the youngest of us dated first I feel defeated

Joong: damn but not gonna lie you guys look cute together

Pond gave Gemini a approval nod

Fourth was a blushing mess

Phuwin: oi fourth are you shy

Dunk: hes like a cherry look at him

Me and dunk laughed together

It's been a while since I last felt this happy

Dunk saw me laughing and pinched my cheeks

Phuwin: owwww dunk what the hell

Dunk: you look cute when you're laughing I couldn't help

Phuwin: oiii why did you pinch me so hard

I held my cheeks dramatically and pouted

We then finished breakfast and went to college together

Ponds pov:

After gemini and fourth announced their relationship I got happy because I saw how Gemini always took care of fourth

Then dunk and phuwin teased fourth and started laughing

When I saw Phuwins smile heard his laugh my heart was beating fast

Am I in love ? Is this love?

When I looked at him again

It was like rays of sunshine was around him
His eyes disappeared when he smiled
His giggles were so cute
His upper lip disappeared when he smiled

Shit I am whipped as hell

A small smile plastered on my face

Everyone was happy about gemini and fourth's relationship

Then me and joong drove them to college and went to work

It was a normal day

After work we picked up everyone and got on with our day.

But before I was gonna sleep joong knocked the door and came to me

Joong: ai pond I think I like dunk

Pond: wasn't it obvious enough

Joong: oii don't tease me I wanna ask him out
Do you think he will agree?

Pond: I think he feels the same way why don't you ask him out now and go out with him tomorrow after his college

Joong: good idea you're so smart bye pond
He left hurriedly

He's so I love

I was happy for him

Dunk pov:

I was preparing to sleep until I heard a knock on my door it was joong I let him enter

Dunk: need something?
I smiled at him

Joong: well...would you like to go on a date with me tomorrow

I felt my face heat up

Dunk: s-sure
I said shyly

Joong: great after college I'll pick you up and we'll go to the mall

Dunk: okay
I smiled with my red cheeks

Joong: goodnight cutie
He left



I Texted phuwin to come and help me decide my outfit for tomorrow thankfully he came and helped and he was happy for me

Oh how excited am I

Then I slept happily


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