1 - The Luck of The Prince

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As the sun crept through the folds of the windows, it landed on the young man's face with a light orange hue illuminating off his face. The young brunette man groaned, rubbing his eyes as he huffed opening his eyes softly. Three knocks at his door. Soft knocks. He knew these knocks all too well. "Hey, Sol? You Up?" He groaned, sighing. "Yeah..." He grumbled, groggily. It was early morning, in the castle. It was around 6:20 AM, the sun barely up completely. This was the land of lights, the center of dreams. The fabled Rubensburg. The brunette young man sat up, groaning as he yawned. He stood up, rummaging through his closet, in search of a shirt. He acquired a shirt, one of medium size and of the orange variety. A graphic orange t shirt that said "two seater" that pointed to his face and crotch. He chuckled, before throwing on his pants, and opening the door. "Hey, sis." He said, yawning as he swatted his sister's shoulder playfully. "Hey. Sleep well?" "Like a baby." Sol said, sighing. "You, Luce?" "Like a log with Alex." "Oh go ahead and flex your supremacy over the single one. Go right ahead." Lucy huffed, sighing. "Really? A Novelty T Shirt?" "What? It's Funny." "Whatever..." Lucy went silent, moving out of his door way for him to walk. "Hey, Sol?" Sol glanced at his sister, smiling softly. "Yes?" "I'm sorry." Sol chuckled, smiling still. "For what?"
Lucy hesitated, sighing. "For not being able to spend time with you. Or Eva. Or Luz." Sol patted her shoulder smiling as he walked in front of her. "You're The Ruler Of Rubensburg. The damn queen. You shouldn't apologize to me. This is the biggest thing of your entire life. It only happens once, Lucy. Don't be sorry. Be proud. You're where you are because of your choices, your family. When it comes down to it, they'd be proud of you too." Lucy's smile lit up the room, as she looked up at her little brother, sighing. "You've grown, ya know." Sol chuckled, looking down at his big sister with a smile. "You expected me to stay small?" He joked, playfully smacking her shoulder. "I wanted you to, although. You were one cute baby." She said, grinning. There felt like something was missing in Sol's life. An empty feeling. He stared down at his hand, feeling a strong presence. He hesitated for a second, before brushing it off. "Whatcha lookin at?" "Nothing." He said, sighing. "Nothin at all." He admitted, smiling. The pair walked out of the room, into the courtroom, as Lucia sighed heavily. "I've gotta work, Dude. I'll see you later?" She asked, grinning. "Of course. If you need me, ill be out and about." He admitted, smiling as he walked out the room waving. He walked past his year younger sister, Evangeline, patting her shoulder. "Sup E." Evangeline just smiled and laughed. "Sol! Finally. I was dying of boredom over here!" She said, chuckling. "Whats the plan big man?" She asked, grinning. "N/A. Cmon. We'll just improvise." The young man said smiling. The young woman smiled as she got up, grinning. "Patrol?" "Maybe." "Robbery cleanup crew?" "Maybe." "Triple trouble?" "Damn right." Sol said, waking his youngest sister from her slumber. She groaned, sitting up. "What time is it...?" Evangeline just grinned at Luz, her golden eyes shining. "Time to round up a few bozos." She said, a smirk on her face. Luz sprang up, rubbing her eyes. "Cool... Can I get some grub on the way...?" She groaned, stretching. "Course. Cmon, I'll pay for it." Sol said, hitting her shoulder playfully. "Free food? Hell yeah!" Luz smiled, lifting her hands. "Hooray!" She yelled, in joyful glee. And so the three siblings headed out, sporting civilian clothing. Hoodies, t shirts, pants, shorts... The three were a group of crimefighters, who took care of any trouble makers they found. They usually split up into individuals, and thats just what they did. In a deep dark alleyway, a man sat there with a solemn face. He had just faced poverty, losing his job and wife. Quiet steps echoed softly through the alley. The mans face turned into one of shock, as he slung out the firearm at his waist. "H-Hold it right there!" He yelled, his hands shaking. "I don't mean any harm." Luz said, calmly. "I swear." She said, smiling softly. "S-Stay back!" "Your Harold, right? Harold White?" The mans face was of pure shock, as he recognized those glowing green eyes. That smile on her face was almost mesmerizing. He recognized it all. "You- Your..." "You don't want to hurt me, I don't wanna hurt you. Either way, it doesn't turn out well." Harold sat there, turning silent. "I understand that you had a drinking problem. Did a few drugs. Why did you do that?" She asked, her voice soothing and soft. The man hesitated, sighing. "I... I sold for the money. I lost everything." Luz sighed, pinching her nose.

"That's a pretty petty crime to do. Vandalism. In my sisters kingdom? Gimme a favor and clean it up please. So i don't have to later." Sol said, frowning. The boy glared at the prince, clenching his teeth. "So?" Sol looked up at the vandalism, his eyes lighting up as though he'd been in the presence of a beautiful piece of art. "You made this?" He asked, smiling. The boy gulped, nodding. "This is amazing, kid. What's your name?" "Um... Eddie. I go by Ed though." "Ed... Tell you what. I'll give you full permission to make your art... On specific walls. How about the wall by the castle?" The young boys eyes lit up, a smile crossing his face. "Really?" His smile was short lived, a solemn expression on his features. "What's wrong?" "I.. It was my dad's dream to be recognized by the royal family... It's just..." Sol's face softened as he saw the boy with tear streaked across his face. Sol's smile got slightly softer, as he put his hand on his shoulder. "Come to the castle when you change your mind, okay? Whenever." The young boy smiled, and nodded. "Thank you... Sir...?" The young man smiled. "Sol. Sol Noceda. It's nice to meet you."

Bushes, rustling. Leaves, crunching. Grass, swaying. The trees whispered in the wind, at peace with it. A petite young woman emerges from the bushes, groaning as she pulls leaves from her hair. She groans, in slight discomfort as she pulls a stick from her hair. "Great. I have no idea how to survive out here lest something attack me. Lucky me." The girls long black hair swayed softly, dancing across the air. Her green eyes sparkled, upon stumbling over the town of lights, her eyes glowing like the lights she adored. This was the place she wanted to be.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05 ⏰

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